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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. and?this should affect the shops,gatekeepers,wh managers etc etc :D
  2. only thing that i will remember to from this post is goku! :D jokes aside nice job on a lot of them :)
  3. yeah you are right this can be flooded to fck :D just a tip Kder...on 1st talk save the data into any kind of container you see fit(likely any List) and just reuse this data in the npc, also add listener methods to the boss managers so when the specific boss dies out the npc auto refreshes the html :)
  4. your only option is acis. thats the only answer you should accept because the other recommended packs like hellas well how to put this politely...SUCK :D
  5. Duel because elements have less effect in battle because they are an addition to something you alredy have so 1st off you need to max your attack attribute to get the full effect and than you get affected by the opponents resist or the lack of it. Duel enchant is the way to go because its a fix increase to your skill damage and nothing affects it.
  6. who in the blue hell would make such a config lol
  7. delete the pack...sorry but if such an error can happen the team knows nothing about how to make a pack so for your own good get rid of it.
  8. 90% of the sellers sell c/p packs/modifications so that would not be cool because of the community but the idea is nice. In my opinion tho l2j dont have the amount of traffic that can keep the will in you to work on the site. so it will be done by around 2080 :D
  9. if you kill a mob for several minutes it dies with full hp or never dies at all?also does it apply to other kind of mobs like raidboss for example?
  10. the mobs hp doesnt decrease?you deal damage to them or its constantly 0?
  11. I said nothing about your english level, i judge from your comments and the way you write. You act like an egomaniac since you got your promotion thats what i see from you and thats why i say what i say. :)
  12. a staffer should use its power for the better not for making himself look good :)
  13. You got a gold membership, that goes for people who spam the shit out of the report section, reporting people for every single reason they can just find. You also are not a moderator you have no clue how to handle the situation so far you get a negative comment on your job and all you do is beat around the bush no real answer or argument going on from your part. You my friend are a useless moderator and should be demoted because your comment just shows how power hungry you are.
  14. yep he does hes a part of the community, you alredy got an ego increase because you spammed the boards to hell and used the report section for attention :)))
  15. Thats not true, history prooven me right because when we had active global mods(grisom,noble era) this forum was clean as fck and was running like a smooth machine :D
  16. Thing is what i said years ago still applies to the situation. There should be no gold members(they are useless), there should be no coder/dev/game mod ranks since this kind of stuff can be handled with awards. There should be only global mods and and section moderators with with limited privs to every section(basic stuff move,close). Also the staff should be kind of like a family with only trustworthy people and active members. All the rest like shares or helping eachother...the community can do that on its own.
  17. than staff is doing a crappy job allowing the current staff to be a staffer :D
  18. back than years ago we suggested that and got the polls going idk if its still happening
  19. so true, yet its invalid from him because he was a global mod he should have done things to make the forum better because he had those privs.
  20. they know the truth, to be honest every single "older" member here knows whats the truth but it cant get across to the higher level mods because of their shown ignorance sadly so why trying?
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