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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. l2jfree interlude and i have a reason but i dont know what got into me to start it :D
  2. the weird thing is even i dont know what got into me :D
  3. god im soooo frekin bored working on interlude XD
  4. try to look away when you see such ;)
  5. its the easiest one to edit because of how bad it is, you have to rewrite everything and that makes it easier :D anyway lets not discuss this here :D
  6. sry by that i meant finishing 1 chronicle and than move up to the next :)
  7. acis is a developers nightmare, its not il its a half freya half il hibrid stuff, its unstable, as far as performance goes it inherited every bit of crap from l2j...should i say more?
  8. well my project will be interlude and im going to work my way up so not likely to share fixes, about open source i dont know yet thats a possibility too :)))
  9. well i checked the pack out but its near impossible to work on it, the whole structure is weird and doesnt make sense and its a developers nightmare type of pack :S Also i decided to start my own project but who knows maybe in the future i send some patches in.
  10. Intrepid

    L2 MXC

    If i would get 1 dollar for every single attempt from maxtor at anything, i would party at ibiza every single day for the rest of my life with russian luxory sluts :D
  11. Intrepid

    L2 MXC

    who can count it anyway :D
  12. i dont understand your hierarchy in this everything is a separate file or 1 file with multiple classes in it? :D Anyway, try to access the class via the interface not the interface via the class so interface e1 = new interface(); e1.example(); Sexy is when a women can give you a boner without taking any clothes off. :D
  13. sooo tipical, you sir dont know what sexy means :D
  14. Its easy you need to restrict it to a town zone by the ID of the town AND to restrict it to peace zone simply because when you get the town id you get the whole zone which includes farm spots and such things attached to the town.
  15. Intrepid

    L2 MXC

    you nailed this one pretty much :D
  16. The ddos thing they talk about doesnt exist, apply only for useless interlude home servers. As for the rest, lineage 2 is still a game that has a huge player base recently it passed wow and it has more players on official than any of the games introduced as a lineage killer. As far as servers go, i think that it still depends on personal likings so it doesnt matter what lets say i want to see because there will be guys who dont want such things and vice versa.
  17. Intrepid

    L2 MXC

    java sucks for a big server?how do you know that?you have any developing experience?NO. Maxtor you were always the guy who wants to surround himself with ppl who tell your awsome and everything you do is great. Yet every single attempt to make something you screwed up, you screwed up to make your forum decent again by having the staff members you have and paying 0 attention to the forum, you screwed up the transfer to vBulletin a million times in recent years, and you screwed up your mxc server soo many times i cant even count it. Im not special, but we have something you and your developers will never have and thats common sense, no im not flaming or raging cause i could care less what you do. But if my memory serves correct(and it does), back than when you had a decent staff we told you sooooo many times the things that should have been done urgently yet you ignored everyone, we told you million times your l2 mxc server will fail you ignored everyone, you always said everything will be great you will do everything by the book and it will work out just fine. Well the result is a half dead forum, a many times failed vbulletin(which will fail again), and another l2mxc server that will eventually be a failure again. Besides, you have no server administration experience at all, you know nothing about lineage servers or the software itself, you know nothing about running a server pc properly. You should get your shit together before you make such statements or attempt to do such things. i wrote this to maxtor on facebook, i thought you could correct me if im wrong or just have a look at it in case he will delete the comment. :)
  18. None of the things you wrote are new, everything you just sad are the things that destroyed l2j servers. :) If you want something new, forget client modding, forget farm zones and such shit, and start to code like crazy on things that never have been done before.
  19. No, the issue is its tipical russian stuff and russians always screw up the hierarchy of things so bad that it gets out of control at 1 point and the development just dies out. :)
  20. who else think that l2mxc will be the newest big failure of our wannabe server admins? :D
  21. i kind of reconsidered my choice simpley because the pack is so unusual at even 2nd and 3rd look :D
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