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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. i dont really watch toplaners anymore but i know hes stream, hes the 1 who made me play garen more often :DDD
  2. someone wants to make you famous kid :D
  3. imho its not about the pick every champ is viable thats what i try to point out to finito.
  4. so just because people dont play it its not viable? So when froggen picks an annie and destroys with her in challanger the champ suddenly becomes viable?or snoopeh beeing jungle malzahar?or ap nida+soraka botlane? :D
  5. God so many memories...:) sry i needed to dig this up this topic is jewel :D
  6. every toplaners job is to jump on the adc and burst it down as quick as you can, rengar is awsome at that just imagine the amount of damage from a full combo with shen proc after every skills :D
  7. yep sometimes they do rarely but they do :D altho as far as response goes none of the streamers are on top :D
  8. Zed in my opinion is a full damage champ, 0 def but awsome burst. I think hes good but for top there are much better options them him, hes a pretty darn good jungler/mid tho :)
  9. to be honest with you the 3 champ you said is best in jungle or mid in case of kha, if you want to be a good toplaner i suggest pick the likes of shen, olaf, malphite, renekton, riven, zed :)
  10. not true, rengar is still op just need more skills and different builds to be good.
  11. rengar or kha...vi is really easy to gank, but if you go rengar i would do an almost full tank build simply because top usually needs to be tanky :D
  12. party in hell with a few mxc members = best vacation of all time :D
  13. why not dowgrade to 18, 18 is fun :D happy birthday :D
  14. dont even start the downgrading stuff,i told you why its a stupid idea yet your ignorance made you def to what i said. :D
  15. its always easier said than done but atleast a skills like separation basedon npcId or something :D
  16. its stupid to store that much data in 1 file, 0 flexibility and hard editing i mean i tried to open it and eclipse freezed out with 768mb heap given :D
  17. nono, i was thinking who the hell did this instead of separated files :D
  18. please dont bring these up i have nightmares since i noticed that all npc data has been put into 1 single xml :D
  19. you dont have the balls, nobody does...to lock an official spam topic :DDDDDDDDDDD
  20. so true, no fun at all i miss the old times :D
  21. well...thats a bad argument on my part so i leave it as it is :D
  22. idk what i like in this song because the guy sucks but i cant stop listening for some reason...:D
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