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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. For old times sake i would, but Blane dont pay too much attention to what others say because most of them complain until till the rest of eternity about anything. And for those who still think l2 is dead take a look please http://www.lineage2.es/misc/retail.php
  2. challanger why?its harder to get out of bronze than to get into challanger :D you finished your liandrys too fast, haunting guise is enough till late game and since they were double ap you should have gone for an abyssal after haunting guise instead of gunblade(gunblade nowdays is only an optional item if you are extremly fed) :)
  3. ehm i cant really understand a single word please improve your english and maybe tell us what pack and chronicle you are using
  4. thats usual but why open a topic here for that?beeging for someone to say "dont go omg your so gut" is pathetic enough on its own :D
  5. seriously tho...point of this topic other than trolling?
  6. god im busted now :( anyway i open another bottle just because :D
  7. ohh and tryskell for your information i am till to this date admin in l2jfree and emu so my contribution to the l2jscene is pretty much more than a half private c/p interlude pack :D
  8. than you should have beer and pizza near you when you do that, thats a must! :D i dont insult your work i just said the truth but okay in details You copied over stuff from l2j thats the most noticed part of your pack especially on dp side, you screwed up the npc.xml so hard that no man on this planet can work with it in a fast and easy way because its too huge, because of all the c/p you inherited every single weakpoint of l2j as far as performance goes(like their obsession with hashmaps and javolution free things). You are free to say anything about any project that i ever worked on difference is i look at it as constructive criticism instead of an insult when we make the pack public i'll be the 1st to send you a pm to look at it.
  9. with tryskell yeah sure the guy copied over things from other chronicles and called it a day also screwed up the packs usability big time... Thats the point of doing this c4 pack, 1st of all we have fun working on a chronicle we all love till the day we die and 2nd of all we dont copy anything we change things as we see fit and we code from scratch we dont go to the l2forum and c/p a freya skill engine like tryskeel did just to get rid of issues we make our own :)
  10. coding archid C4 with a 6pack heineken...thats all i need! :D
  11. thing is i would gladly jump in and help BUT your pack is so messed up useless crap as far as code standards, official features and such stuff goes that it would take a miracle to do anything usefull with it...for 1st glance half of the core needs to be deleted...the only pretty darn good thing is your dp thats all
  12. your taste in women needs urgent fixing :DDD
  13. okay thats all good but focus on the poll please XD
  14. i dont really know i have to say, i just have the best memories from C5 servers :)
  15. C5 for me as an all time fav, but for my research i dont need those :P
  16. i know that but those i found include interlude too which clearly wins because we talk about mxc :)
  17. The question is self explanatory, im doing a research kind of thing here :)
  18. when you get out of fake death stopfakedeath method or what its called sends a revive packet thats what makes you stand up, search your l2character.java file
  19. Its not about leechers or nobody caring, its more about the extremly messed up source code...almost impossible to work with properly
  20. dont EVER do that again
  21. and than D. Bryan came :)
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