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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. but what kind of encryption is it...
  2. decrypter from what format and to what format...you need to tell more than that
  3. Sorry had to unlock this, you know that we have requested the coding section to be deleted and to put us back into l2jdev position right? Or you know that i spend most of my day when i get home from work to code 2 different open source packs for mxc right? Ohh sry you dont know. And thats the thing you dont know anything yet you and your little buddy xdem complain about everything. You know i always kind of hated the kids like you guys because the soul reason we ended up where we are is because we earned it. Not too many people remember but i was 1 of those people who got promoted by the community not by maxtor or other staffer because i earned it till to this date i have 1 of the most l2j related shares out of everyone so if you tell me i earned nothing than i tell you go ahead and surpass us. Do more stuff, make guides and than you'll be in the same position as us because you earn it. But so far i have more shares than you have posts so next time if you complain take a deep look into the mirror first.
  4. You know nowdays l2j become so easy to manage that even a donkey can open a server, and sometimes thats whats happening a donkey(no offense but usually a greek donkey) opens a server with hes 0 gameplay/admin experience and 0 development skills just for the sake of having a server. Theres nobody left whos doing it because of passion and the fact that hes capable of managing a good server, only money matters nowdays.
  5. lol than thats why you want to advertise like that pretty good way of doing such :D
  6. Element Stone Rate: 50$ » Element Crystal Rate: 30$ those are some nice rates xD anyway by server info looks a bit weird but playable :)
  7. Kadar is just webmaster whos basically paying the sites of l2j for having access to the l2j private repo, thats all :D
  8. yes thats my 1st guess too since the xml looks fine
  9. im usually against the idea of using database connections in packets that much but its a better idea than most "security" shares
  10. i understand irony and mental games pretty nicely
  11. ehm maybe it stacks with a buff you have?or you dont have any buff at all when you use it?
  12. than you are better off with l2j forum, sadly because of my pc broke down i cant run any test for you to help :S
  13. anyone is free to dekarma me i dont really care its just a pixel nothing more but to stay ontopic anyway i close it again so fighterboss and cobra can read it and fix the karma or not.
  14. i just read hes last posts(2 page) he doesnt seem to be such a flamer/spammer moreso just mr irony...if you cant deal with him just ignore it and all be good
  15. i think the facebook search function comes in handy for that altho the best bet is to play on different kinds of servers and ask people to invite you into such groups, i could give you the 1 im in but its full hungarian and trust me you dont want that :D
  16. well i would rather switch to intel but for that price its pretty neat stuff.
  17. I ofc do because its annoying when i state a simple rule and someone attacks me in a way that he does it only to get good points with xdem. I get pissedd off when someone dont understand something so simple, theres no rule that says you cant dekarma on spam section, people just assume you cant because its spam anyway(ofc your not going to get a dekarma for spamming in spam section that would be stupid :D ), but you can get dekarmed for flaming anywhere on the forum which includes the spam section too. Also its pissing me off when someone open a topic with someones name as title with the intwention to flame that person and than when gets dekarmed starts a report topic and starts to fight for that pixel. So yes for that i always going to say whats on my mind with 0 filter because its annoying.
  18. expensive, hard to code, really cpu intensive, learning from the issues of off packs we know that using any other languge for l2 other than java results in packs that need atleast 8gb ram just to boot up. java is a decent choice for an emu theres no issue with it, also everything c# can do java can do it also with the same effectiveness or even better.
  19. Well i guess i just ignore you guys...seriously think before you speak. Also please tell me than how come i never ever had a dekarma for flaming? See i back up what i say matthew or whatever hes name is, just an xdem fanboy who wants to fight because hes feeling better now. I stated a simple rule in this topic and reopened the case because even if you flame in spam topic it can result in dekarma theres no rule that says "you cant be dekarmed in spam section" so the report for that reason can be invalid and the karma fix can be invalid also. Matthew cant stand the fact that someone is actually do something by the rules. In hes mind rules = shut up and let everyone flame the living daylight of you so they can feel bigger kids. Sorry but for me everyone with the attitude of that is useless. And im still not flaming, but telling the same thing over and over without him beeing able to understand it.
  20. and you should stop acting like a retard, i alredy freekin told you Maxtor(aka the owner of the forum fyi you moron) stated that you CAN give -1 anywhere and that includes the spam section too. So nobody abuses karma if someone gets dekarmaed in spam section, got it mr smartass? Shut up useless pixel hunter, i just told a rule to cobra/fighterboss so they can fix your karma back to -1 again(because i know for a fact that cobra never abused anything and only give +1 or -1 if its really well deserved). But i can see now why you get -1 in the 1st place, tipical piece of shit netfighter :)
  21. well i dont need to understand greek to read karma descriptions and see that your karma got restored only because of you tried to be a pain in the ass in the spam section :D
  22. lol every single staffer hates xdem so again get your facts together before posting please :D Also you are an asslicker scum simply because the moment i reopened this topic and said that the overruling of cobras dekarma may be invalid because it doesnt matter where we give the dekarma, you instantly ignored the topic and went on attacking me so you can get some good points with xdem so please if you want to go into bed with the guy just tell that to him in pm but dont make a fool out of yourself
  23. the rules say you can be dekarmed anywhere also as i said to xdem it was a reference post only because i could have given a -1 to him in almost any of hes posts. If you want to lick the guys ass atleast do it properly...
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