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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. sorry that i cant help you you can still try to open a topic on the l2j forum they surely can help you :S
  2. it does in my case since my only option is an old as fck ubuntu nothing else wants to install to it :S
  3. as i said i cant because of my pc issue, i suggest try using the hosts file instead of an edited ini.
  4. unlocked for Cobras request
  5. you cant sorry but i have serious pc issues so i cant do anything :S i know your issue its pretty old like 5 years ol it happened when people tried to connect to the server with a newer/older client
  6. god... npc.getSpawn().setLocx(43577); npc.getSpawn().setLocy(15985); npc.getSpawn().setLocz(-4396); npc.teleToLocation(43577, 15985, -4396, false); that code teleports orfen to hes cave or whatever it is :D
  7. and just in case you dont know there are your coors to change orfens spawn on half HP or to delete hes spawn on half hp @Override public String onAttack(L2NpcInstance npc, L2PcInstance attacker, int damage, boolean isPet) { int npcId = npc.getNpcId(); if (npcId == ORFEN) { if (FirstAttacked) { if ((npc.getCurrentHp() - damage) < (npc.getMaxHp() / 2) && !Teleported) { GrandBossManager.getInstance().getStatsSet(ORFEN).set("currentHP", npc.getCurrentHp()); npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); Teleported = true; npc.getSpawn().setLocx(43577); npc.getSpawn().setLocy(15985); npc.getSpawn().setLocz(-4396); npc.teleToLocation(43577, 15985, -4396, false); startQuestTimer("ORFEN_REFRESH", 10000, npc, null); } else if (npc.isInsideRadius(attacker, 1000, false, false) && !npc.isInsideRadius(attacker, 300, false, false) && Rnd.get(10) == 0) { attacker.teleToLocation(npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ()); npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4064, 1)); } } else { FirstAttacked = true; } } return super.onAttack(npc, attacker, damage, isPet); }
  8. than in why in the blue hell you start a topic on off section jesus... http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/L2jFrozenInterlude/trunk/gameserver/head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/ai/special/Orfen.java there you go 10sec google MOVED.
  9. than your pretty much screwed thanks to the lack of logging in your pack since without anything to start getting to the root of the issue well we cant do anything
  10. The creators of json said themselfs that json was implemented to replace XML on the web nowhere else, in l2j you need validation you need clear understanding of every element and you also need structure which json doesnt have. XML maybe harder to parse but when you check on the outcome it provides a better result for gameserver usage than json ever could.
  11. well until you dont check them and show here a log nobody can do anything for ya
  12. that happens when you either mix up the dp and core(using c3 dp with c4 core) OR you dont use a C5 client :D
  13. theres no "theres no script" you need to have a script for it so the boss can have its own AI...
  14. moved. seriously now the off section is not for java emus when people will understand this... anyway you will always going to be a bit vulnerable against such programs but ofc there are ways to block them(and no i dont talk about useless crappy lameguards and such), altho i dont think you'll need to :)
  15. okay do you have any log files?warnings/errors when you try to sell?
  16. in orfens script...but are you sure you are using an offmod pack?i moved a topic of yours alredy to l2j help section
  17. you need to give more info than that nobody can help you without any log, the pack you are using and chronicle...
  18. yet json is hard to edit, hard to read and just a nightmare to edit when it involves big stuff, json is a web language in general and should be used on the web only
  19. its actually not normal since you just screwed the hero skills stackings but anyway than i close this one :D
  20. true to that, im pretty sure its not clean because a clean release with that many bugs from l2j would end up in a riot :D
  21. Well mr smartass the thing is you refuse to acknowledge the fact that people think otherwise and you just force your opinion to others. From my point of view as a developer yes you need months and months of coding and testing to make it atleast decent, and from a players point of view the concept of a faction server doesnt matter how much you try to twist it is boring.
  22. before you get out of control, please watch for your posts and stop spamming good job all over the place thanks.
  23. I played almost every big faction server for years, get your facts together before you force your opinion over someone. 90% of the things you said are just stupid, on a faction server theres no economy or things to fight for..because its a faction server the main idea of it is killing eachother. So the economy is fucked unless you make something aion like which would require months and months of nonstop coding and testing, theres nothing to fight for because you need to rewrite every single part of the game to make it compatible with the faction thing and so on. Overall a faction server is nowhere near unique anymore, if you want a faction server because you like the idea go ahead but expect the server to close after max 3 months because of lack of interest in it. But if you want to open a server and you just want to ask for others opinions than my suggestion to you is to decide on your own about everything dont listen to any of us and do what you feel can be good.
  24. voted no, faction server is boring and stupid not much of a challange in playing on it.
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