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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. or heres a pretty huge task, unhardcoded siege system :D
  2. also in addition many tactics you wrote about doesnt work since GoD
  3. okay so since you have the issues on your local pc but dont on the dedicated pc try reinstall the pack delete it and do the whole process again maybe while transferring it something got screwed up
  4. good share but l2j have something a bit better just look into their configs to check # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dualbox Check # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Maximum number of players per IP address allowed to enter game. # Default: 0 (unlimited) DualboxCheckMaxPlayersPerIP = 0 # Maximum number of players per IP address allowed to participate in olympiad. # Default: 0 (unlimited) DualboxCheckMaxOlympiadParticipantsPerIP = 0 # Maximum number of players per IP address allowed to participate in events using L2J Event Engine (//event). # Default: 0 (unlimited) DualboxCheckMaxL2EventParticipantsPerIP = 0 # Whitelist of the addresses for dualbox checks. # Format: Address1,Number1;Address2,Number2... # Network address can be number ( or symbolic (localhost) formats. # Additional connection number added to the global limits for this address. # For example, if number of TvT event participants per IP address set to the 1 (no dualbox) # and whitelist contains "l2jserver.com,2" then number of allowed participants from l2jserver.com # will be 1+2=3. Use 0 or negative value for unlimited number of connections. # Default:,0 (no limits from localhost) DualboxCheckWhitelist =,0 Also please use language thanks :)
  5. if he needs help he can ask for things i ask this only because a preview topic sometimes ends up beeing a preview only with no share just to spam you know
  6. dont spam like that. This npc should be only on datapack side as a custom script but other than that its fine(tho the topic title should be changed to karma cleaner instead of pk count)
  7. good collection but can you translate the NPCs to english? :)
  8. so your issue is that i said the truth? :D seriously we had a chat on skype...you tried to force me and a few other people to make your idea(because im sure you cant do it on your own) and when i told you its a bad idea you started to flame me...god atleast show some spine and stand behind your words
  9. now search for what you said too :D
  10. okay than lets clear the air, before i said anything like that you opened a topic with my name in it and the topic title was "useless trash intrepid" you seem to forget about such things :D i always like it when someone cries and cries and cries for things yet doesnt want to accept that they are not the kings around here.
  11. No i dont want anyone to lick my balls i hate it, you guys started this flamewar against me for no reason or i just dont know the reason but i could care less since none of you can say anything that makes any sense. If im not legit on some things?sure it does happen im not mr perfect unlike you guys(serious godcomplex issues with the 3 of you), but who cares if im wrong i still try my best at everything i do. Also the thing that i got hated for saying the idea of downgrading a high5 datapack to an epi datapack is a stupid idea and i prooved it, is just the testiment of how silly this thing is from your part.
  12. If you do something against the rules you get punished if you continue you get punished again and again and again until you dont stop. You guys reached the point when smiting was pointless since none of you could stop.
  13. nope it wasnt but you'll never understand that since your clueless to anything anyone says to you anyway this topic is pointless you guys are banned get over it
  14. again you guys turn this into personal thats the exact attitude problem i was talking about and finally the staff understood that you guys are just worthless for this forum.
  15. [Request] Dev Help [L2J] En 1692 posts of the member's 5038 posts (33.58%) 1692 heres my help...anyway this discussion is pointless you 3 achived this on your own nobody forced you to act like that so get over it.
  16. you are probably the only guy who noticed that :P :D
  17. including maxtor and justice we have 1 admin, 3 gmod, 1 gaming mod, 3 coder, 2gfx mod,2 moderator that means 12 staff member so the ratio is 12 staff member out of 1000+ unique daily visitors...your argument is invalid
  18. Your in lala land, your a member of this forum and we are the staff aka the ones who maintain the forum. What this means is we have the right to call you out or judge you if your attitude stinks, thats our job here you know.
  19. next time they will report maxtor and ask for hes demotion xD
  20. a staffer is in no position to talk about your attitude?when you dreamed that?
  21. than dont talk to me i'll be a happy person if you guys stop talking about me,btw most of the active staff agrees that this forum without you guys are a better place just so you know :D
  22. continous insults against staffers,ex-staffers and a shitty attitude in general.
  23. Anyway since you dont understand and you want to report me still, your behaviour is the issue and the fact that you constantly insult every single person almost. We want to make mxc better and we want it to grow but when a newcomer logs in and the only thing he see is guys like you talk the way you did than we are screwed and we can do nothing to keep the members. We have over 1000 member logging in every day yet no activity because they recognize the forum as a kindergarden of flamers, and the reason behind that is the attitude of guys like you.
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