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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. Thats true, not so long ago(right before the matthew xdem bans) i was stepping on some toes in the staff because indeed they are weak at some things which should change and its started to change in a good way. Yeah i get death wished upon me on a daily basis just because i locked a topic and stuff like that. :D
  2. respect...thats so rare around here...
  3. and you are a normal member imagine what the staff gets sometimes XD
  4. I know that at some point i felt sorry for the greek country to hold that much braindead people. But still beeing slightly undereducated as far as common sense goes is not a problem, my issue is that each and every single 1 of those who wants to be a pain in the ass for us, are doing it because its natural to them to act like that.
  5. I know thats why i said to implement the fully retail like weapon restriction conditions from l2j.
  6. Yes and thats my problem, i cant understand why. Its not a problem if they dont respect the writte and unwritten rules thats fine by me, but that nonstop senseless rage coming from people who think they make the decisions around here after coming back from a ban for example pisses me off.
  7. Who said i was talking specifically to you? Attention whore incoming? Exactly the your kind i refer to as shitty useless member. You make a report topic which is totally invalid even after 4 checks at the guys posts, and when he doesnt get punished you say "omg i got banned why he doesnt?". Than you dare to send me a pm and judge my decision like you were maxtor or something, and you even top it a notch with saying i cant judge you. Sorry mate to piss on your bombfire but every single staff member is here to judge the action of others. Accept it or leave.
  8. Its better to have conditions on skill usage like it should be and let everyone wear whatever they want. Dont get stuck in interlude.
  9. We all know the topics were multiple times banned, watched, million times reported kids bash the staff, sometimes rightfully so sometimes not. But how come that a group of members here think they judge the staff anytime they wish, yet the staff should not judge them yet ackowledge everything they do with an applause. How come that people who never ever even take a minute to think before they post something, are want to judge the staff? Why is that, i seriously want to know because its irritating when a guy who has nothing to do with a certain subject jumps in and when you decide against hes opinion while you are right and hes just angry and wants someone banned, you are the bad guy. Is this just a bad joke, or we are full of stupid people? I dont want this to end up in a flame topic so i dont say names, but everyone whos like that knows it. When are you guys finally going to accept the hierarchy between normal members and staff?
  10. Just checked last 3 pages of hes posts, none of them is spam for me. You need to see the difference between beeing active and beeing a spammer. Locked.
  11. My godness the epic amount of stupidity in this 1st post. Okay lazy ass i'll show you how you can get the IDs all you need is just google. You search for an item in pmfun by lets say foundation, open an item and there you go in the link http://lineage.pmfun.com/item/12555/foundation-dark-crystal-breastplate.html you have your itemId. Dont open topics like, nobody cares if you are that lazy. Seriously dont.
  12. None of the shitlude packs, they are badly coded piece of junk, all of them period. L2j high5 or l2jfree gracia final.
  13. Common sense, why you guys open such topics jesus christ. Anyway if you use l2fandc(dont know why but your choice i could care less), you'll have no future support because your not a team member and they are private. So if you have issues with adding an npc alredy which is open a file copy/paste a template and change whatever you want, you'll have serious issues later on.
  14. Nuff said you should not use it, you'll be a newbie even after decades if you use such packs. But anyway its pretty shitty copy paste land so it should not be hard to sync anything into it, just search on l2j timeline for the weapon condition core and dp side changesets.
  15. The main class of the gameserver register doesnt exist in the location the batch wants to start it. Check if the tools.gsregistering.basegameserverregister exists at that location, if not change the package or the batch script.
  16. If you are new to developing you should not start with frozen, you'll learn nothing good from it.
  17. god people really should learn to read... 1. your package name is different in the import and in the handler. 2. delevel.class doesnt load a damn thing. 3. experience import is at a wrong location also. i bet you just copy pasted with notepad and stuff right?
  18. ehm why not implement the proper condition instead of messing around with such codes? You could just sync it from l2j...
  19. Intrepid


    Matthew,xdem...can you guys ever shut the hell up? :D Seriously now, you guys again talk about stuff you have no clue about and than you wonder when you get ban after ban after ban after ban. If the forum is so bad as you guys say than why are you here? Ahh ye i know, this is your life and without maxcheaters your existance on this planet is worthless right? Many guys have many good points about issues on the forum, but you 2 are just beating around the bush hoping that someone will notice you so you doesnt feel alone. Thats pathetic.
  20. lol...:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD you know that blows are STR based since ages right? :D
  21. Anything above shitlude, rates from 3x to max 500x, team oriented balanced gameplay without farm zones and custom drops.
  22. attention seeker lvl over 9000 :D
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