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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. start fcking using english for the love of god...
  2. not the whole staff is greek so please...
  3. Bad client choice, bad economics considering the rate and that small part you said about subclassing, screwed balance(nobody EVER going to balance interlude without custom crap, letalone interlude with tattoos and rebirth and who knows what more). Pick something decent like l2j high5 and create a balanced server, nobody will give a fck about your customs epicness if the pvp is just pewpewpew i shoot 1st so i win. :D
  4. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=195.0 Here you guys raged on me for saying bad things about xy project, now you can see why i say what i say. Or you are free to bust my balls if i screw something up xD
  5. Get back to that when you look into it, or wait your not going to, i dont think you have even just a slight clue about maven :D
  6. fyi information we work on 3 packs at the same time so which 1 are you talk about captain smartass? :D
  7. and again your imagination duels with reality, thats awsome :D
  8. like you know anything about it :D
  9. Wait a sec you call me attention whore, yet you are the one who just registered like the 7th account on this forum and does the exact same "poor me, i got banned" thing? :D Its funny how you act :D
  10. dont go there trust me, we ran that course with maxtor a million times alredy^^
  11. cant tell the same for matthew tho
  12. Im not tying to force him for anything, its a fact tho that those interlude packs are poorly executed and if you want to learn you should not even look into them. Still the best and most gameplay friendly implementation is the conditions thats why i told him to do just that, ofcourse theres plenty of ways to do it, but still.
  13. Noone have the balls? You tell this to me? :DDD
  14. I can see your out of answers now :D
  15. bringing back da banhammer? :D Go die dude? Really? :DDDDDDD
  16. wrong section and you alredy have that topic open in dev help. locked
  17. i locked it without any action becuase theres no action to take, god your such a rockhead :DDD
  18. guys Dont Worry Pies Happy = SpirakosDaFaq :)
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