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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. Diamond EUNE = decent EUW bronze player...sorry but such services cannot be good because everyone have a different playstyle and everyone can use google, watch streams or just talk with other players to get ideas.
  2. you want to install a server on linux?you realize that the only thing you need is to start the database installer right?
  3. Says the pure definition of the movies meaning? :D
  4. i build him tri/iceborn,wits,randuin,runic if needed, locket if needed
  5. Well i dont know i think that shens damage falls off really bad mid/late game so to splitpush effectively you need 3v2 or 2v1 lanes because in 1v1 you cant really duel, ofc you are tanky but you dont deal enough damage.
  6. k bye noones gonna miss you actually imma throw a go away party, brb going to the shop need to buy champagne :D
  7. Just shut it, loosing 50 post which were useless bumps anyway are not even a small deal. People get that much post in 1 day without spamming...
  8. Shen is a great support tank, altho only viable in a really long laning phase and double tank team comps in my opinion, otherwise cant splitpush effectively.
  9. They paid to say that, well its worldwide known fact that hungarian girls are top notch nobody even mentions gipsy land sorry :D Good guy Vlad :D
  10. Its about the invention of the names like moron and such and their original purpose :D
  11. BBC Documentary - Stupidity "Full Movie"
  12. Also every single romanian girl is ugly as fck also...dat eyebrows :D
  13. Also romania is the home of all the gipsys XD
  14. But greek girls are ugly still sorry :D
  15. would be fine without all of them except vampires :D The world >>> Greece :D
  16. Maven is extremly easy to implement and use actually easier to maintain by miles than ant :)
  17. Okay so heres my 5cents about it. Every single project for interlude with the exception of acis is a pvp server project because developers are not skilled enough for real changes, only for custom things that can be found on the net. As for the base and changes you intend to implement: L2j based packs or l2j itself are near impossible to make good, you simply need to devote months and months work just to make it "okay". The augmentation system needs to be reworked completely and that brings the structural changes so thats okay and not even a hard task. If you make a new scriptengine i suggest you think about making the script cache work because its a really great performance improvement but doesnt work on l2j. The l2j mmocore always was and still is just bad. Yet i dont think you will be able to adapt any decent mmocore because of how hard it is. Retail drop protection is not the one l2j currently have so you cant sync that. Remember to archid and the annotation config^^ When you split the ls and gs make sure to implement the commons too(i suggest you use maven for that). The geodata and pathfinding of l2j is slow. In general the use l2j makes this project harder than it should also using interlude makes no sense. Also i'd like to offer you a position in my pack, i know its not interlude but im pretty sure we can figure and a way to make it benefitial for the both of us, Or even to add your project on my svn so i help you with your interlude and you help me with gracia final. You have my skype so if you are interested we can talk about it anytime.
  18. Because i cant get out XD
  19. even better for those who watch even worse for me XD
  20. SOME :DDD 1) Dont Trust anyone! i know right? we are not dumb enough to belive someone with 1 post that registered 2 days ago, but we sometimes fall under the belif that people with time and posts (reputation? ha!) are more "trustable" than newer members, THIS IS A LIE! just look at me, less than 200 words in this post and i've already lied about 15 times. DONT TRUST NO ONE, IF ITS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE THEN IT'S NOT :D
  21. u scammer that thing cost only 25$ :DDD
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