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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. Okay mister i do it again(btw i just requested maxtor to make a dumbest user award just for you), The null checks are safety checks as a part of the code style you use and they are needed for the reason of beeing NPE safe, sometimes yes you'll have unnecessary null checks but in EVERY case when an object can be null you should have a null check, thats just common sense in java. As for the AttackRequest and doAttack, i say it again the AttackRequest null check is a null check for l2pcinstance class means that if the gameclient which is l2pcinstance is null than the AttackRequest fails and the packet not beeing send, altho when you look at the doAttack method it applies to players,monsters(and all their subclasses), also to summons and pets. Now since a pet for example cant be a pcinstance aka a player you'll need a null check. So its not a double null check but a necessary addition because it does matter if l2pcinstance is null or l2character is null(or l2summon for that matter).
  2. Ovenuc, we explained to you alredy many times. Your retardness makes my head spin, but beeing good guy Intrepid i'll explain it again. AttackRequest packet does have nothing to do with that method because attackrequest is not exclusively used in the doAttack method. Also the doAttack method needs the null check so that in case of somehow you manage to cast something without any target, the NPE gets caught instead of just causing a mess with no log about it. Now i understand that you want to act like a big guy, but just like the rest you stuck on the level of "peasant" and instead of improving and trying to understand the code you rage about you just rage about it calling others noobs. Thing is you should stop doing that, stand on your own 2 feet, start coding and the shut the hell up. When you gained some decent knowledge we will talk about such things, since so far its pointless to talk with you about java because you are totally clueless.
  3. Grisom all the way :D PS.: God knows why theres no most hated poll, atleast i could win something XD
  4. You doesnt worth answering to so as i last post just because your lack of understanding drives me crazy i say it again, packet obfuscation is a part of the network communication of lineage beetwen the client and the server, l2j skipped this feature for some reason but on retail and inside offmod packs this features is used to make the life of packet sniffers much harder and depending on the tool itself a server can totally ignore there existance.
  5. Its not custom you freekin fcktard god...ITS A PACKET FROM THE CLIENT. Anyway done with the arguing have better things to do than listening your pretty much senseless arguments. Nothing shows that better than the fact that 1st you ask what the hell is packet obfuscation than you suddenly become the professor of it, good guy google helped i guess.
  6. was the case back than now i just dont deal with them :D
  7. God you still dont get it...your stupidity amazed me really, but okay i'll give it a try again. Packet obfuscation is a feature that hides your protocol when you communicate with a server. When this happens only those clients can identify the protocol that supports obfuscation others cant. When this feature is in works, the communication looks like a bunch of random stuff all over the place, so tools that easily identify eg the protocol and packets sent cant do this anymore unless they write a whole new one.
  8. monohydrat only, because of $$$
  9. Okay i see you dont get it. Packet obfuscation is implemented in the client it requires no client modification. That has nothing to do with the gameserver - loginserver communication because its custom. I dont say change the encrypton god...i say that theres an unfinished packet that goes along with the protocol detection and it contains the packet obfuscation, thats the protection retail servers have(packet obfuscation was translated to java from a leeked off source) so your argument is pretty much useless.
  10. No its not because its easy to always get the new protocol of your client(you need to publish it in some way to let people connect so they just connect to a different protocol and cheating works again.
  11. Packet clouding aka packet obfuscation makes it harder(near impossible with current tools) to identify the packets. In other words it hides the meaning of the packet and because of the fact that its implemented along with the protocal version, everything that tries to connect to your server(doesnt matter if its client, bot or program that simulates the login process) get disconnected because in order to connect, your client that connects to the server needs to support obfuscation too. In the simplest way it makes the packet traffic confusing to external clients that does not support obfuscation, which is everything except your lineage client.
  12. I take creatine in capsules which alredy have the carbs in them(2 pills before workout, 2 pills after workout, 1 pill at the morning). My friend and personal trainer made a workout plan for me which is like this: 1st: chest,back 2nd: legs,abs 3rd: arms 4th: chest,shoulder 5th: back,legs Which i think will be fine considering the biggest muscle groups trained 2 times a week while secondary muscles trained directly once and indirectly once.
  13. i alredy did, thats not the issue :D
  14. than we know different people :D
  15. than i remember to you xD anyway have you heard about dual boot to test linux? :DDD btw if you use ubuntu you can even just click on the db installer and install everything you need from the ubuntu software center :DDD ohh and if you order a dedi with linux ask for the debian LAMP package it comes with preinstalled apache,mysql,php,phpmyadmin :D
  16. performance and stability hell but its okay until 5-600 players with a decent server pc.
  17. I dont post on bodybuilding forums, they are full with retarded jerks, tired that route before...all they do is tell you you suck because they are bigger. Thats my current routine also without cardio(i want to bulk so i dont do any cardio whatsoever). I am thinkin about something like 1st:chest/back 2nd:legs/abs 3rd:arms 4th:back/shoulder 5th:chest/legs
  18. Heres an example why i said what i said, lets imagine the following scenario: You have a mass pvp lets say siege. Now with all the buffs beeing remade you loose a lot of buffs that would be crucial such as mana regen buffs or invul buffs and debuff resist buffs. This would be no issue if there would bee another source where you can get them. Interlude have none of these but gracia have and its called attribute system(dark element resist for example is a debuff resist too in itself because every debuff uses dark attribute). Or another case lets say casual farming, the mobs in lineage have stats made for the original buff set thats why you just cannot exist without atleast a decent buff on you. With your changes that "decent buff" is gone so you either have to rework all the npc stats OR you have to buff up the character stats. Reworking the npc stats is a huge amount of work if you include testing too butit can be safe, buffing up the characters can work but its even harder because it leaves room for unbalance.
  19. Dont know how many of you work out actually, but i will switch routine next week and need some ideas maybe exercises i didnt knew about or different methods that may work. I want to change to a 5day split with focus on chest/back/shoulders so the base of the upper body(because i just got out of a long leg specific workout).
  20. The thing is, most guys(speaking of mxc community) have no clue about the features of things after interlude. They say they dont like it, yet in reality they know nothing about it. TBH if you would do these changes on a high5 or something you would get a much better result in terms of gameplay and balance just because of the chronicle choice.
  21. Finally someone realized that l2 can be a totally different game with proper changes and have the balls to make them. Altho the server will be a failure because of the chronicle choice. You choose to use the most unbalanced, crappy, boring piece of shit that ncsoft ever released, and since your changes are not really related to balance but rather a global nerf and hope for the best the balance will most likely be a failure in itself. Anyway good luck with it.
  22. Thats not really accurate for example wingsofdeath,voyboy,saintvicious :)
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