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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. Security is done by modifying the server core and client Engine.dll. That itself makes it worthless to buy it, sorry. If you want real protection you should implement a packet clouding and you are ready to go, also its lightweight, doesnt need client modifications(which are suck bad in so many ways), and you dont fuck your core up instead you improve the code along with it.
  2. Chilling after 7 hours of failed coding
  3. Common strength reduction could be applied also but compared to the issues as far as performance goes in the pack atm, these are nothing
  4. that would mean an impossible to notice improvement :DDD
  5. yes because my eyes are burning...rewrite every single packet by hand(around 700 packets or so) and you'll know dat feeling :D btw guys if you would implement some l2jfree stuff related to security you could drop these home made things of l2j :D
  6. better off with beer, working on packets in the last 7 hours without rest :D
  7. Than you dont need to touch them because its fine as it is with the preconfiged setup, thats the whole point of it^^
  8. Its fine to have experimental things in because some things depend on your mysql configuration/database size/sql traffic and they cant be optimized generally for every user.
  9. https://xp-dev.com/svn/l2jazaria/trunk/l2jazaria-commons/src/main/java/com/l2jazaria/sql/L2Database.java All the disabled config option are experimental for the admin to change because i dont think its worth it to use eg lazy init on a test server :D
  10. open source leech, i alredy did that part for you guys :DDD
  11. Its like 15minutes to make the bonecp switch(around that depending on how much configuration you allow for the users) :)
  12. Well i dont know, see the thing is l2j have this really idiotic idea of dropping javolution and they replace everything with hashmaps(well most of the times they use hashmap or concurrenthashmap). That alone to quote 1 of my old java mentors and current l2emu(jfree) private project owner "the shittiest pack around". :D Thing is you guys do great the pack progressed a lot from the original state, yet mostly the things i see are syncs from l2j on the crucial areas. Basically as crucial areas i mean project management(using ant is just inefficent), c3p0 should be dropped for bonecp and configured to its fullest potential, the new l2j mmocore which guys have as i see is just average at best, the threading is a joke. Basically most of the things l2j does are just below average stuff. You guys should really examine l2jfree and find its hidden jewels.
  13. Well the XMLs are just a read only things, it improves on loading time and if done right on memory allocation too. The Quest translation to java is a good thing yeah. Altho these are just small stuff when it comes to runtime stability and such. :)
  14. As i said we see things in different ways, i personally dont care about leechers. I always like to gather a few people who open servers with my stuff around me and thats all i need as far as feedback goes. The rest is helpful in some way too, but as you said alone its not so much fun sometimes. Especially if you have to rewrite every single packet in the freekin pack alone. :D BTW even tho your pack have room for a ton of performance related improvements(aka fixing the l2j craps), atleast im pleased to see that theres a packet queue. :D
  15. Frozen...i get over 10 requests a day to fix a bug in it... BTW just looked into shared rev290 :)
  16. I dont hate it, i was just simply curious about the reasons behind it. We think differently about open source tho so we cant really see anything the same way in that subject.
  17. Reworked Quests and Lineage2 Features like TAX System. You realize that the tax system doesnt work right? :D
  18. You guys give really really easy to find and get rid of options :D Hide the code inside the HexID read or somewhere people never look in the login :D
  19. wtf? :DDDDDDDDDDD He talks about a SERVER with my source :DDD
  20. well i dont get the idea behind it but too bad for me :D
  21. 10-19 revs only? :D Leek behind our back?I would understand that in case of a fully private project but not here
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