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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. Do you have any modification in it or its a clean pack?
  2. I junked your topic, until you remove EVERY KIND OF BACKDOOR and refund the guys whos server got destroyed by it, your topic will stay in junkyard. Dont dare to ask someone to move it back, only over my dead body.
  3. Stating hes opinion is spam? Stop acting like 6th graders, topic locked cry me a river if you dont like it.
  4. okay if we catch any backdoor in it, the guy is insta banned.
  5. Jaha requested the topic to be cleaned, end of story. Other than that tell your friend to give me a pm if he still have the pack, if i find the backdoor in it, the guy is history. Or if you alredy know where the backdoor is, than just add me on skype and show me.
  6. show me topics, btw l2phoenix ALWAYS had backdoors in it.
  7. just disable the itemsongroundmanager, its pointless anyway.
  8. Items On Ground Manager: Data saved(621117ms). there lies your problem :D
  9. Thing is for 106€, you could have bought a dedicated server pc thats 10times stronger probably than that vps. Anyway, if you have any conversations with kder about that or the email/conv you had with the host company send it in PM to any global mod.
  10. share hexid error?anyway you have a wrong hexid registered or its not registered at all
  11. I disagree, Diana is great for top against bruisers. Obviously you not going to build an olaf or malphite with it but the likes of zed,riven,renekton,teemo,rumble can be beaten pretty easily. As for jungler its not optimal but not because of the lack of kills but because of the s3 meta where junglers build aura items.
  12. issue is dealt with. locked.
  13. 1st time for everything...i agree with xdem...yes i said it but dont get used to it :D
  14. search it for you... # Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect. # You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision. MinProtocolRevision = 740 MaxProtocolRevision = 746 you need a system folder with protocal revision according to these values.
  15. whats your packs protocal revision(server config)?
  16. Your clients protocal version doesnt match with the servers protocol version, try to get the most up to date client.
  17. pointless tipical greek rage...locked.
  18. This is just retarded, i will be the 1st to say that i am revolted by xdems existance on this planet but that report is a joke. Locked.
  19. I do agree and other than that just from pictures its a poorly executed custom cd, i can get better ones just by looking on the internet... That has anything to do with your report?Seriously now you reported him for that?
  20. thanks...tho i still dont get the issue
  21. okay since you guys are mentally retarded i try to understand the madness behind that...you reported xdem for saying that your community board worth 5$?
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