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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. Bad configuration leads to disaster no matter what you use. I said these things because it has great impact and its pretty essential in my opinion.
  2. Tell that to ncsoft after lineage 2 beeing in the top 10 of most played games in 2012(official servers only) :D
  3. Since we talk l2j heres what i would do... Switch from c3p0 to BoneCP, look at these http://jolbox.com/index.html?page=http://jolbox.com/benchmarks.html Use onboot table optimalization. Proper configuration(lazy init, connection wrapper setup,caching). And when thats done and you still need more, you can optimize the mysql server itself.
  4. exactly, also...can anyone tell me since when the average l2/lol/wow/cs nerd would want to talk about programming? :D
  5. The coder section and its rank is useless, we have never been and never will be a programming forum so yeah good question.
  6. Its not secret, its just not done enough for public release. Failed logic is failed logic still. I guess the word YET have no meaning to you :D
  7. Its not me who have to accept anything here :D
  8. Childish action?You not going to login again if i dont apologize? HELL YEAH!!!!!! :D
  9. why would anyone be :DDDD
  10. sorry to piss on your bombfire but it was Noble, i voted for fighterboss :D
  11. Not gonna reveal it yet, not for you guys since most of you are just waiting to whine about this not done and this not done also and the rest of the bs you guys will rage about when i will make it public :D
  12. why normal members decide about that?god thats so stupid...
  13. thats what happens when you guys hate on a chronicle you have 0 clue about :DDD Its a common feature since like 3 years :D
  14. ehm you know that theres 3v3 olympiad since ages as retail feature right? :D
  15. dat, Cobra throw me some Vodka too :D
  16. Much better the only thing i would change is again, using a dp script instead of a hardcoded implementation. :)
  17. Intrepid


    No you werent, what i said in this topic i will apply to any case in the future and i explained the reason why. The reason why he requested the topic junked is hes own you have no right to discuss hes decision about hes own topic. you were watched, thats more than a report.
  18. Intrepid


    funny fact, none of the above staffers have ban rights :D
  19. Intrepid


    he requested the topic to be junked, anything else?
  20. Intrepid


    Saying your truth thats what you ment and everyone who doesnt accept what you say have attitude issues right? :D If you admit you are clueless to coding which is fine, than why flaming me about it? :D Hes not going to he alredy told them if they change their attitude he will unbann them.
  21. Intrepid


    You are banned because of your own mistake not because you dont lick ass, "the community" actually congratulated us for banning you guys but its okay. You still cry for your accounts yet you guys fail to understand anything we told you. Its your own mental limitations that makes it hard to talk to you because you seem to be so narrowminded that you can repeat only your own words without understanding what the others said to you. When we talk about balls mention the fact also that when i told you to do something instead of talking only, you backed out and suddenly you knew nothing about anything yet you guys flamed me for beeing a noob or as missingno. said useless. :D
  22. Intrepid


    Well than how come you guys ended up banned and im not if im retarded? In all seriousness i told all of you many times that you guys are all talk and no show and in no position to flame anyone ever, you kept on flaming you ended up banned. Now that you guys got what you deserve you say its because of me and im the bad guy none of you did nothing, thats fine by me but you'll get nowhere doing that. You just finally proove to everyone that it was the right decision to ban you.
  23. Intrepid


    your godcomplex makes me laugh again, go google some stuff about java platform compatibility :D Im not going to close it because its not your topic you are just here to ruin it like you always do, and im going to reply to anything if i want to you know.
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