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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. i have no ban privs :DDDD
  2. ohh how is your trip at banland?also since im a staffer i am in the position to do that which is unfortunate for you but doesnt matter now you are a cancer we dont need that, we are going to make the forum better and with you in it it doesnt work i dont argue i just get things done my way^^
  3. i feel like this forum is good again why you ask? :D
  4. its a good way to write your own xml writer also or just an sql to xml or txt to xml converter
  5. you have many tvt events done for reference, take a look into l2jfree especially the AutomatedTvT made by Savormix its a very good event to take ideas from
  6. retail like workaround and no farm zones and crazy stuff
  7. just bugged with different browsers
  8. lol didnt knew you actually do stuff like that, but i like what i see :)
  9. even the high5 l2j have a shitload of performance issues from not working caching to bugged lazy initialization or slow networking, threading...and l2j il is even worse. They fixed a few tho with copy pasting from freya but inherited a lot more. :DDD as i said before using any other language is really stupid, instead of that maybe put some focus on stuff like persistance which is not so hard to implement...
  10. meanwhile still having all the performance issues of l2j :D
  11. i use this since the day i registered :D
  12. question is whats the point of replacing XML? Theres no serious adventage gained yet we discuss a lot of disadventage that would come from it.
  13. i tried the same before when i got the full command list of l2walker and made a restriction system based on that but it doesnt work the command still went through for some reason altho when you wrote it in the chat ingame and tried to use it, you got kicked and temp banned.
  14. kicking players by chat watch doesnt work altho bots do use the chat channels to make commands.
  15. actually l2j have the pin code system implemented also altho packet obfuscation is the real deal when it comes to protection sad thing is i know only 1 pack that has it and its private :D
  16. yes thats better but still i prefer to have the onlogin PIN code, its just less an annoyance and its more efficent, also when it comes to protection nobody will have bulletprrof protection unless packet obfuscation comes in to play thats why i think things like lameguard and client side protections are inefficent and bypassable :)
  17. but than it becomes pointless, i just enter normally ask someone to start a pvp rr log back with bot done :D
  18. didnt knew that, the idea can be good when you think about it altho the character PIN thats implemented since high5 is the same but in a much better version of this i think.
  19. rarely but i agree with xdem. This protection is also annoying because imagine you need to rr in the middle of siege the last thing you want is to write a stupid captcha in the middle of a huge teamfight but nice try really
  20. thats all you can say when someone says you should back your words up? :D
  21. all you can say, as i said to the other junk matthew shut up or put up :)
  22. See thats what im talking about you are just all talk, you talk to everyone like they are lowlifes compared to you yet when you asked to proove something or show something you back out. After that i know why everyone thinks that you are an idiotic spineless piece of junk :)
  23. than just stop talking about it and stop saying people are useless and you are the all mighty coder while you do nothing, so far the 1 thing im sure about you is that your existance here is only to lie and try to make people think you are great while you suck. thats the nice impression you set.
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