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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. feel free to show me someone, ohh you cant thats sad :)
  2. Sick of wannabes hmm, as i said before yet never brag about it i was a developer in l2emu, i have stuff commited in l2j, i was administrator in l2jfree and i had 1 of the most successful private packs sold plenty of times in this forum and made with it over 2k €. If that makes me a wannabe i can live with that. Also the thing that you say i abuse my pixels, well than ask maxtor about spam section dekarma he will tell you the same i told before, its allowed even tho someone(justice khm) edited the rules. Before you call me or anyone else for that matter a wannabe, think about it twice because you might get owned hard. You are not going to judge me, your in no position to do so. Also if you check the karma of your master, its the same as i left it he cried hes pixel back but the staff refixed it to -2 because it was a valid reason to give him a -1. Nuff said.
  3. and who the fck are you to tell me this mr slave? You have no clue about anything yet you talk like you invented the rules. NEWSFLASH you are just a member here who knows nothing and never going to know anymore than that. God this is annoying, kids tell me what to do and how to do it while they have no clue at all, see your retardness goes to the level that you dont freekin understand the fact that even tho the rules says you cant maxtor says otherwise(thats why we need to change now the karma rules), also that karmas are refixed and sooner or later useless people will be banned for good. And as a last warning before you really piss me off, dont dare to tell me what to do and how to do it ever again. Got it? ohh btw if you think i abuse anything feel free to report NOBODY will going to warn me from the staff because im right.
  4. yep, i HATE working in teams unless the team is the l2jfree guys :D
  5. no i dont work on anything now until i get my new pc and than i dont really know, i dont really agree with many many things seth wants to implement and i would rather do things in a different way so thats still in question, what im sure about is that i will make an open source high5 project for sure.
  6. l2j is fine as a practice especially if you delete and rewrite things :P
  7. sadly i never ever in my life coded a single line of jscript ever but i feel your pain :D
  8. try eclipse with a javacript plugin, it can make your life better :D
  9. This. Anyway jokes aside you cant create a server that everyone enjoys, create a server that you think will be good.
  10. best thing to see after a workout :D
  11. Maxcheaters is not dead or empty, the thing is the forum is outdated in many aspects(karma should be deleted. topics/sections should be redone, new people shoulb be attracted, marketing campaigns should start, regular events should be held every week atleast etc etc) AND the most important thing it should be cleaned up as far as members go. Also the fact that people create such topics dont make any sense, do something about it or stop talking about it, like it or not the staff alone cant do a lot too populate the forum because its the community that does that. Yet every single person i talk with talks about mxc like its a kindergarden for idiotic low life scriptkiddos and leechers.
  12. no its not so easy to buy a new pc you know :D
  13. and you want to start again...i dont even try to reason with you better to just ignore you...
  14. well thats good to know but than again that doesnt help too much at fixing it
  15. you just add the java code its shared here alredy plenty of times and its done
  16. time zone maybe?i dont remember to the exact code rarely used it :S
  17. awsome please tell me it wont be a dark theme again :D
  18. well it doesnt matter i keep on my thingy on top/jungle that suits better for me :D
  19. Maybe i work on it since 2 weeks or so? :D I always like people who love to asslick a lot, you know guys when someone shares ANYTHING on the internet you get negative and positive feedback, if you are full of yourself so much that you think your in this case a programming god than you dont accept criticism instead you talk shit back to those who try to help you improve on what you have yet you praise everyone who says your share is great. I said in my post a few things to improve on and i said how it can be done, if you guys cant accept that its fine by me but dont expect anyone to use a project that never ever accepts any form of constructive criticism.
  20. client issue maybe?l2j never released anything with such a big issue so its not the packs fault.
  21. junked your other topic please dont spam the same subject
  22. well if you really want low rate/mid than official is your best pick OR another server thats great is l2dex 3x
  23. my old self cries in a corner now i cant understand the drama when its written in greek :'(
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