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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. Intrepid


    no, continous flame trigerred your karma the fact that its from that post doesnt matter.
  2. lol, and hows everything? :D
  3. lolwut your here too i havent seen you in ages :DDD
  4. Intrepid


    so opening a topic with the title "useless trash intrepid" is not flaming right? :DDDD are you serious? :DDDDDDD
  5. Intrepid


    i dekarmed for overall behaviour the fact that the post i did it with is in the spam section is irrelevant, im Hungarian not Romanian atleast you should know the flag of countrys. And you said nothing about me?You flame me in almost every single topic you post in because the fact that i dont support your coding ideas. You even opened a topic where you called me out and wanted to open a discussion where everyone can flame me so please atleast dont try to force your opinion to people smarter than you, thanks.
  6. well i want to see how you get it back go ahead whos ass you want to lick for that :)
  7. just so you know, i gave you dekarma now so if you want to cry about it im here for you son :)
  8. nice argument there, coming from a useless script kiddo whos contribution is next to 0 :D
  9. what a shit raw...the moment i realized that mark henry is getting a push, ryback is burried and del rio is on tv again i said to myself goodbye WWE welcome back TNA.
  10. i do, thats why i say this...people like mark henry or khali should never get any kind of TV time because they just waste it while there was a shitload of people alredy who(if given a proper gimmick) could have been huge stars alredy.
  11. mark henry is the shittiest most boring character in recent history, below average mic skills and the exact same inring abilities since hes debut :D
  12. http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/273905-wwe-star-teases-his-retirement-on-raw-tomorrow-what-happened-after-payback if thats true and he retires, i open a bottle of champagne seriously :D
  13. ye but ranked...i dont have enough champs and runes yet...
  14. and yes my loosing streak continues...i love troll teams really...i had a glass cannon cho top, brand jungle, im at mid with ryze, and a bruiser nida+ap janna top... normal games are fun ye...
  15. Well individual skills are like that in my recent games, im tristana bot and i tell the guy who picks support to come with something agressive and usefull than he picks nunu and making my Q useless or himself useless to me(2nd happened), or i go top with olaf and i tell the jungler i'll be straight tank so he can go assasin than he picks malphite so we have no endgame damage, or i go jungle noc after my rengar top tells me that hes going to build beefy as fck which ended up him beeing glass cannon and i having assasin build as usual on noc... And the sad thing is i cant do anything because if my jungler screws up the gank its my fault i got flamed, if im the jungler and the laner screws up its my fault i got flamed if my team goes rambo under tower and they die its my fault...lately everything is my fault lol
  16. thing is...im on a 20+ game loosing streak and from that only 2-3 game was when i was bad...
  17. what you guys do when you reach the point of "god this game is the worst game ever full of retardness" and want to delete the whole thing and never ever play again...
  18. Locked, either share it or dont open a topic about it...also if its such an uber pack you would not call the team that made it noobs. Troll in spam section not here.
  19. Pointless, i would make a title meaningless since hes not at hes prime nor forced to retire like edge was. Kane altho is special along with a few other people, who was able to keep himself relevant for what like 20+years, so yeah he deserves a proper send off when time comes...
  20. HES THE JAVATAR!!!!!!!!! :D
  21. thats freekin epic! :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
  22. why give him any title shot?hes close to retirement
  23. Just so you know Bryan is over as fck as a face and hes splitting from the tag team stuff(Kane in interviews talk about it as past), also creative plan is to have undertaker and kane face the shield at SS(or orton and shemus). Bryan will be a babyface champ by the end of 2013 but not a heal.
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