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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. I watch UFC from time to time, its pretty good stuff altho some of the fights are way too short because of their matchmaking policy :S
  2. Bryans heel turn doesnt make sense you made that up in your mind, and jericho is always neutral so its easy for him to switch beetwen heel/good guy personas
  3. your obsessed with juice :D
  4. coding while drunk is not fun at all...my godness me
  5. i know yet he keeps my excited because i know i will always have someone to make fun of^^
  6. http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/14/146053/3087310-meme_mixed_2___mother_of_oh_god_why_by_evilimpala_ss-d58b8a7.png[/img] how i feel right now after reading posts from xdem
  7. they are not open source, they just have public releases thats not what open source is god what a conversation...
  8. Tryskell's project is a half private project which he gets a good deal of money from(i suppose), also to have an open source project you need to take critism pretty well which tryskel cant do very well. Also frozen is a bugland every single help topic involves a bug of frozen. You know we do this project for free we dont ask for money from it nor doing it for fame(i can safely say we have estabilish a reputation around here alredy), we do this because thats a passion to us and a great hobby. If you have something constructive to say about it fine im all ears i cant know everything, but if all you can do is bitching and flaming than we are better off without you so you can just leave(altho that could be hard for someone whos life is mxc). for your information my last 2 big commits worth more than what acis did in months from development and server performance view.
  9. okay first to the poll, i voted for bringing back the old ranks the coder rank is the worst idea ever and as i said before in staff section the coding/hacking section of the forum should be deleted. Now to xdem and hes raging, archid as a project exists since years thats true but this time we have new members and a whole new start also we work differently than before for example we have nearly 100 commit but yet to add any custom and we wont add any custom stuff till the pack is at its best. Also you meantioning that only trance tries anything, i spend 6-8 hours a day coding the pack to bring more attention and possible members to the forum and seth does the exact same thing so on behalf of seth and myself, go to hell you worthless piece of trash. Ohh and about the l2j sections beeing dead...well does it matter if 2-3 people starts to share things? There are kids like you out there who just kills every topic with their ignorance, doesnt willing to help the community just complaining all day long about what others should do instead of looking into the mirror and ask themselfs what they should do.
  10. or singed, olaf, master yi(funniest q nerf ever), akali :D
  11. and to almost every single champ riot ever nerfed with a few exceptions :D
  12. same story as rengar, they buffed him on release than nerf after nerf after nerf and the only thing changed was item builds but the champ still stayed op as fck
  13. may sound weird from me but 7x interlude :D
  14. still you just say the opposite of what you did :D
  15. ahh thats the guy who scammed you for fake ddos protection which if you would be so pro you wouldnt pay for? :D your english sucks try to understand what you say first because i just cant, you say the opposite of things you said before post by post :D
  16. you mad because you didnt get promoted? btw you still didnt provided any proof about universe beeing a scammer :DDD
  17. hehe too much game of thrones there :D
  18. suddenly you call me a bro because i become a staffer?true asslicker you are :D proove that hes a scammer if you could proove it he would have been punished alredy :D
  19. beeing an attention whore, xDem the normal member :)
  20. its not a waste of time because if its done right you can progress extremly fast, but working with such a bad code like in l2jeuropa or every other god project is a waste of time because the pack will never be stable(thats why you see no servers around), the pack will always be slow and resource eater, the pack will always be vulnerable...all in all the pack will always be bad. And i base this statement of the fact that nobody ever touch the core in this pack and nobody ever commits anything useful only small extremly small bug fixes :)
  21. wait a sec...you vote for the 2nd which is "everything is the same like on every single server you can find" instead of the 2nd yet you say doing the exact same stuff like everyone else is bad? :D
  22. pointless to fork this pack i dont want to waste time, im better off doing a c4 pack and updating all the chronicles.
  23. ehm lineage is in the top 5 as far as most played mmo games goes in the last year so dont say things you have no clue about thanks :)
  24. You know the thing is with older chronicles you NEED to go offmod because if you start with java you have to spend a lot of time fixing it before you can start doing anything for the server with it. So if you have an offmod pack thats stable enough you can go for it no problem and people will eventually come because oldschool servers are rare nowdays.
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