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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. i will play with a character named Raule and it will be a cute pink haired dwarf slut! :DDD
  2. Thats the issue with shitlude, only 2-3 classes are playable not more than that...ofc that is if you dont know how to balance which not so many people do(only seen 4 including myself since i play l2). The fact that the pack is offmod will not help anything actually it makes balancing changes even harder, but its the same way as it would be with any java pack.
  3. kk tell me to delete every single character stat and rewrite it from 0(thats the only to way to get stat balance in such a crappy chronicle), and do the same with skills because those skills are made for 1x with next to no buffs. :D
  4. that goes to class balance too?
  5. Thats not true, balance can be achived just not the way people are trying to get to it :)
  6. Interlude is the chronicle of limits you cant do anything special with it because of it has nothing to offer at all so thats not a surprise...the only thing that can improve(A LOT KHM) is the class balance which was below playable to put it politely on previous l2mxc attempts :)
  7. kk i thought its a default patch for the server :D
  8. well we see nothing from these pictures so nothing special so far but we'll see...and please tell me that theres no system patch with this ugly red UI that makes me want to bang my head into a wall for the rest of eternity. :)
  9. i dont even go there to argue with you, you dont understand anything from this topic so feel free to rage some more. peace
  10. On YOUR servers website, read again hes question and what i answered for the 1st time...jeez your annoying. And the site he linked is the only site where you can check the amount of players on NA retail.
  11. thats totally server side you cant just access to such data from a website without given access.
  12. almost every single idea that will be in the c4 pack is from me and seth because hes working on a c4 in public and i work on a h5 in public and we are kinda racin :D
  13. nobody and the suprising thing is i didnt sent to hell a single person so far :D btw add meh on skype (Intrepid with my little doggy avatar) :D
  14. yep,it all started with a html based logging with tables and colored log messages in it based on log level :D
  15. i know, guess whos idea is it :D
  16. ohh thats sad...atleast theres a ton of idea to make :D
  17. no better off coding some c4 :D
  18. watched lol stream for 20minutes...im ready to murder someone :DDDD
  19. Its not about helping someone to sell something, its about protecting someone from getting scammed sadly. In my opinion people should take these things very seriously around here, i see many guys saying i pay whoever does this and that instead of requesting help 1st and trying to solve their issues. And by paying whoever offers them help, they end up scammed. When this thing is prevented by rules and some "extreme" measures than your idea would be nice.
  20. your name just gets worse and worse :DDDD i told ya DaddysLittleGirl would be perfect :D
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