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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. i just brought to light my sensitive side thats all :D
  2. that would be overkill :DDD
  3. i dont use their chat like ever, the only stream chats i use are the stream of dyrus, wickd and saint because they actually answer :D
  4. keyword YET :D altho that may be the case because i had a war of words with almost every single member of the staff/ex staff including a huge one with our own maxtor :D
  5. btw the sudden change is simple, theres no change...when i was raging at every single post it was because i moderated alone the whole l2j board because all the l2jdevs and l2mods were either shit or went afk for the rest of eternity and i was tired as fuck :DDDDD
  7. dont even go there, all gold members or ex gold members who got promoted to COADMIN JUSTICE are kind of useless, they are real reason why this forum goes down, they are just spammers who wants attention by reporting every single topic a gazillion times until someone says in the staff section "but hes soooo active" and at that point hes gold member :D
  8. Guys a mod please just lock this topic, we have this discussion every once in a while and it always end up in a troll topic... We all know the issues of mxc and how theres never going to happen anything to fix them but dont need to run the same course over and over :)
  9. I think you should care less about the forum, this forum dont deserve any kind of caring anymore. In your post you pointed out like 0,0000000000001% of the issues this forum has, please take a break relax and just stop angering yourself about such things even tho your right. :)
  10. Well sorry for my language but you are really stupid heres why. exp/sp really low is not the range of 100-500(with vitality thats *3 so 300-1500 exp range), the lower sp is something you need so people dont have a that easy skill enchant because they need to keep their sp up at all times. Main focus around clan is not stupid, thats how the game was designed...you need people to group up and play together since thats a TEAM game. Anti oly feed means dual boxing which can be prevented easily, other than that if clan mates do this yes you need an active gm but the main thing is dual boxing here. Its not no gmshop or no ggk please learn to read, what it means is the original npcs that exist in the game should sell those things instead of the ones they sell originally(just in case you still dont get it, a weapon shop that sold weapons up till s grade will sell it up to s84 in case of high5), that way the castle tax system can have a meaning again. You clearly have no clue about attributes either, the max lvl of attributes doesnt matter, attribute is like enchant...you hit a full 0 armor set with a 450 wind weapon for example it will have a big impact on your damage but if your opponent have proper attributes on their armor the damage will not be that much better. Just like if you would have a pvp in full 10 armor set against a non-enchanted weapon and than against a +16 one. I understand you tried to give a constructive criticism but you managed to misunderstand every single word so please try to understand the things said before you comment it. :)
  11. that was nowhere in the post and oly only A grade is stupid really stupid sry :D
  12. no thanks im fine with mine :D
  13. btw i havent realised yet how awsome your signature is! :D
  14. dat beer http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pA6DIbaBzH0#at=125
  15. school is fun and no beer?what the holy fuck happened with you what kind of sorcery trapped your mind in insanity?
  16. school?please dont EVER say this word again! now go and bring me some beer :D
  17. yep skills,npcs,drops are static but its the way you code them that counts :)
  18. but the basic skill engine is NOT interlude, and 90% of their code is kind of crappy because its an l2j base with 0 optimalization :)
  19. XMLs are great stuff for static data and static data only, reading is better from an xml file while writing fits better for sql. About skills no you should never take another chronicle as reference for retail stuff. Sometimes people dont even notice changes that happen, the small tweeks on reuse timers or just small value adjustments. You should always try to get retail information instead of trying to use other chronicles as reference just because the skill got implemented 3 chronicles later.
  20. we cant troll 24/7 cmon :D Thats not even about personal preference, thats common sense...whats better to work with the current skills folder OR if you would have 1 huge 10-15mb size xml with all the skills in it. Eclipse would freeze out just by looking at it :D
  21. lol what got into people you are the 34838377124576th guy who asks me about downgrading :D Well 1st theres no interlude project that is quite good to start on, and no downgrading is a bad idea. Downgrading is a way for the noob to get some attention, let me explain why, take acis for best example of downgrading. Their skill engine is the l2j freya skills engine copied over 1:1, that means their skills work like they should IN FREYA so their pack is alredy failed to be interlude because of the different behaviour of the skills. Also when you downgrade you dont pay attention to code quality which ends up in performance issues or weird development concepts(again acis and its noobish 1 xml for every npc data thing). All in all dowgrading should never happen in any kind of software in my opinion.
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