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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. need more info than that :)
  2. just to clear the air as a developer, people create whatever server they feel the community wants to play on so the issue is with the community not with the developers/admins. Also if you think about it private servers are nobrainers a 10year old can open a server anytime he wants so again its your fault as a player if you cant pick a server to play on better. Just because you have your own personal preference as a player about what server you wish to play on, dont judge admins/developers because ultimately its your fault that you cant enjoy a server/chronicle yet you stick to it.
  3. thats sad actually :D
  4. holy hell...do you have more from this stuff? :D
  5. this isnt about money at all, more about decreasing lagg on soooo many servers easily :)
  6. thats tooo OP alredy, if you add a custom armor the best chance you have to balance it, is to lets say take a draconic armor and double its def and def only but than again you need custom jewelry with double mdef so you dont end up with mages 1 hitting ppl.
  7. yeah besides the new op adc is tristana :D
  8. Hes answer is right, you have 2 ways to add the buffs the good way aka how your buffer has it now and the lagg hell way which is what you want to do. And btw please DONT use a python buffer or python at all.
  9. in most cases vayne, if teamp comp sucks than ashe for initiation but overall they are not so good
  10. if somebody still interested in developing please take a look thanks http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=272997.0
  11. The last topic i made was years ago so forgive me if a screw up something, anyway i'd like a sort of "collection" of things that should be optimized in l2j or tips on how to optimize things and maybe some alredy done optimalization. Or maybe we can work out some bigger optimalization related projects out. I'll collect and list here all the stuff in this topic so later on maybe based on an todo list those things can be done and shared. :)
  12. The only problem is, besides of l2jfree nobody wants to make their own framework to work with. If more projects would do what l2jfree did for so many years we would have near 0 performance issues in l2. :)
  13. Hetzner is by far 1 of the best hosting choice in europe.period.
  14. custom stuff dont have official stat :)
  15. im not beeing mean but realistic, when you put things into the game that dont have an official stat hence you decide what it gives it usually ends up in bad pvp balance and many op classes. :)
  16. less work than you might think, since l2j separated the community server you can try to mod the new cb server so multiple servers can connect to it once and if you do it right there you have your cross server forum :)
  17. hmmmm i guess than i have to get up to speed with changes from the past 1-2 year thanks for the info :)
  18. everything old is much better, imagine how good it was...no super cena, no annoying jack swagger or del rio, no idiotic crybaby bigshow, and no big johny :D
  19. its hardcoded, useless to have a condition for 5-6 skills, try to find the restriction in the core
  20. i dont blame you :D yeah its pretty disturbing :D
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