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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. atleast i have shares to mention unlike you :D
  2. I have atm no pc i use my brothers pc when i will have my own i will share stuff again but not to earn respect i dont care about respect of guys who just talk and show nothing, the fact of the matter is if you are so great than how come i have the most shares over l2j boards?If you would be so god damn great you would be in my place as coder.
  3. dekarma in spam section is allowed, ruled by maxtor alredy under poll to change the rule according to what maxtor said. get off from this case seriously. locked back.
  4. i find it strange that i am the egoist yet you act like your god here, maybe matthew is your asslicker i can think about almost anything now :D you are free to call me unskilled i dont really care since im constantly improve on my skills and you are just all talk, show me some of your code anything :D
  5. low level computer programmer ohh so the fact you did another university class makes you better in mind, godcomplex at its best and i am the egoist lol :D
  6. i dont need to convince you i need to watch you and by the time you make mistake after mistake after mistake ban you so you crawl back with another account of yours because you cant live without mxc. :)
  7. well i did more than you ever will so my point makes more sense than your existance on this forum sorry :)
  8. noone cares what you think either so what now?You are a useless member of the community who we use to kill time and laugh at.
  9. that makes me sad :D I dont compare the universitys learn to read i said that the fact that you finished one doesnt make you any better. Yes i went to a different university class so what? You just proove that just because you have a silver spoon in your mouth you think you are better than everyone yet you just talk about it, if you are so good go ahead and do something anything and for once proove it, or just shut the hell up.
  10. pharmacist = you stand behind a desk and give people things that others tell you to give them. Just because you went to a different kind of university that doesnt mean you are better than anyone else. :D put up or shut up rule goes for you too. Yet you spend most of your time on mxc acting like a 6th grader, nice job your child will be proud of you :D
  11. you have the most awsome signature after noble, just sayin :DDD
  12. fyi definition of freelancer is: someone who works for himself and work on tasks only not as someone who has to sit behind a desk hours a day, meaning i sit down and work at home for more money than you'll ever get. :) taking freya and deleting stuff so it becomes interlude is basically the same as taking interlude and copy stuff from freya so yes its a copy paste pack :D
  13. Okay lets analize this. Proove that i have no skills otherwise i cant say much since i never said im a pro or anything like that. 0 contribution hmmm i still have the most shares in l2j boards so that argument is pretty bad. I have no real life?you know me or something we met somewhere or we even know eachother? :D By the time im 24 im a freelancer and have a daily job also, what can you show? Daddys money and addiction to a forum? :) freya downgraded to interlude thats copy paste :D
  14. all the others are crap hmm but you know that acis is the land of epic amounts of copy paste right? Anyway not because i want to proove you wrong but i alredy designing a roadmap for a public pack i'll have not a half private half public stuff like acis because i dont do it for the money.
  15. And now im brain damaged, you make me laugh really. If you cant back up anything you say just dont say it you and your little buddies can say anything it wont matter until none of you can back it up. So now take your balls out of your masters pocket and either shut up or put up, i dont have the time to deal with your stupidity so either stop posting stuff that doesnt make sense or proove that i should be demoted.
  16. allows to download copyrighted stuff from youtube?
  17. now comes the age thing fyi 24 yep with the new theme it may be fixed but yeah its a bit annoying
  18. that gets even better jesus :DDDDDDDDDDD torrent or vDownloader if its on youtube yes i have an ego a pretty huge one i admit that, but abusing pixels?Maxtor is the owner of the forum what he says is the rule even if its not written down.
  19. Thats funny guys constantly attack me for no reason without any proof yet when i say okay proove it and i will the 1st to ask for demotion than you back off. Buy a spine kid. i dont like to ignore things because it just snowballs out of hand by time.
  20. you say the same thing as xdem you are the same, all talk and no show :) You guys can call me anything but none of your prove anything either other than how huge noobs you are ;) Yes i disagree with many things maxtor did in the past and nowdays i give him a lot of ideas he accepted yet havent done since he needs to wait for the new theme. You know you say always the same thing but can you proove it?Im tired of listening and listening and listening so heres a task for you. Proove that you(or the ones you lick ass to) are better at developing, or proove that i abuse my privs or anything that should end up in demotion and than i will be first one to ask for it. The ball is in your court lets see if you have the balls or not.
  21. now go ask someone what you should say now since im pretty sure you dont have an original thought in your tiny mind.
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