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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. I know you too, i still remember to the times when you were licking my ass crazy all day long and than you get scammed with a server pc by seth :DDDDD btw it was a nice pc to run emu on it was a bit slow at some point but its okay we forgive you :)
  2. Remember its like herpes you can hide it but cannot stop it :D What your job or your girlfriend has to do with you beeing the biggest retard around here? :)
  3. Okay so you have a girlfriend, so what even the ugliest piece of garbage can get a girlfriend if he knows where to look :D And if i dont have a girlfriend how is that any of your business? :D
  4. No but im famous, trusted, skilled enough for my thing and most of all even tho hated by many...respected in a way. Which one you have from that? You are famous for your stupidity, you are a fucktard who scams people since you clearly have no knowledge to support anything you sell, yours skill are below a 6th graders spaceship builder skills, everyone hates you for beeing retarded and noone respects you because your a joke. PS.: Have a nice day! :)
  5. Cant get it in hungary sadly.
  6. Lordrex is an l2jfree developer and owner of the l2emu unique pack which is merged from emu and jfree.
  7. what the fuck doAttack has to do with skills anyway you freekin noob :D As lordrex said: http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=28086&p=167460&hilit=WHAT+IS+NULL#p167460
  8. Actually, i was unbanned because of a global unbann :D
  9. you cant even see a null check so guess what your officially the lowest ranked developer which is "imma pay you if you code me something that gets me famous" :D
  10. 0 people voted me to get unbanned and 90% of the staff fears from me having another rage war, bb i won :D
  11. Im laughing so hard! Man please continue with this your making my day! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  12. Where?Why i dont have it?Why i didnt knew about this?Now im mad.
  13. So you say that you are better than everyone right? Okay sir. L2jfree: protected void doAttack(final L2Character target) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug(getName() + " doAttack: target=" + target); if (isAlikeDead() || target == null || (this instanceof L2Npc && target.isAlikeDead()) || (this instanceof L2PcInstance && target.isDead() && !target.isFakeDeath())) { // If L2PcInstance is dead or the target is dead, the action is stoped getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } And before you call l2jfree devs noobs, think about the fact that l2jfree in private is now a multiplatform, multichronicle supported, lindvior pack with things that l2j never seen before. Also they make the code you make(can be anything) faster and code it much better. So either you admit that your wrong and you crawl back to the hole you came from or we are just going to rip your ego apart. :)
  14. btw next week imma buy a weight gainer, Scitec Muscle Army Tank
  15. protected void doAttack(L2Character target) { if ((target == null) || isAttackingDisabled() || !fireAttackListeners(target)) { return; } FAIL thats from l2j :DDDD
  16. szeged...than you must have seen a few pretty sluts :D
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