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Everything posted by pada

  1. instantzonedata.txt script, find one for kama you want, change remove_buff=1 to remove_buff=0
  2. weird, with build zoned geo, and pathmaker 64 pathnode i get //viewpn results as such in game but for the most part, pathing seems to be fine, it just always bothered me that //viewpn was so broken, maby i am wrong about the packets not changing....
  3. Have you tried to build pathnodde with path64 for new clients and managed to //viewpn ingame? every time i have, //viewpn is massively screwed with lines/dots everywhere and massively broken, i am worried it is not actually building valid PN, as these primitive packets have not changed.
  4. i think Function User::GetDefaultExpDownValue Is what you are looking for
  5. I am pretty sure that the character count per server is what is contained in that second loop, though personally i have not bothered with a new Auth yet. i am pretty sure the loop is something like count of servers with characters, then a for each server, how many characters exist.
  6. They have IP connections because all logic is still done via packet send/recv, they just have a shared "data pool" to pull current information from, basically is how to look at it. but l2server/l2npc must be on same machine still
  7. No scripts have the concept of Geodata information besides the x y z locations, you would need to parse the actual conv.dat's to get more detailed Geo info without help from L2server
  8. It is most definitely not Java :)
  9. in the KR fafurion client, the S related to uptime is changed to d
  10. cdddddSdddddSSddddd is the response format, it should be opcode, unk, maxplayers, currentplayers, playing, privatestores, iobuffersize+uptime, currentnpccount, currentworldobjectcount, lastworldobjectcount, unk, unk ,builddate, buildtime, protocolversion, inspectorcrc, unk, unk, unk
  11. It should be something like 07 00 0E FF FF FF FD for the raw bytes sent, as you have to send packets size as well before opcode
  12. can just send a raw tcp packet to the L2Server with that opcode/-3, thats all. Some private servers block the packet, but any retail ncsoft server will respond
  13. Yes, 0x0E, with a version of -3 will respond with a packet of a bunch of info, logged in users, shops, server binary build dates, uptime petition info, ect. theres also a version you can send to crash the server with a special key if its enabled in l2server.ini :D
  14. VersionPacket with a parameter of -3 if i remember right, will send a response containing all of that information. Though it can be easily blocked/tampered with in the case of private servers running an extender :)
  15. hm? classic interface runs off bypasses? how so?... the only "Weird" thing i have found so far in my classic work so far is the fact that the disable hair acc button actually just calls a skill use... have not noticed any bypass things. And that is with the current EU client ( antharas ) extended from GD
  16. Ya, it was enabled on NA only as far as i can tell, as of ~2ish months ago, and when they did it broke a ton of quests and people trying to learn awakening race skills :D, all it does is DC you on anything not cached, , so i expect they just enabled the l2server.ini setting when they noticed the log shit appearing a bit more then normal lol. but i expect it to be turned off again when they do there next major update and they get a new l2server.ini from KR, and forget they had it enabled :D.
  17. The file download exploit is fixed via the html link check setting in l2server.ini, they recently turned it on in NA due to what im assumeing, noticeing files being leaked :P. Though i have a feeling it will be turned back off in the next major update on NA when they replace the l2server.ini :D and forget about it. this login exploit is also fixed on retail
  18. Trying to extend C4 to anything GoD+ is going to be suicide, at least for any normal persons Sanity, extending GD to anything Ertheia + is very hard even, if you dont have the skills required to know how to add a new race, let alone all the new classes. Even if you dont want the new races/classes, you would have to fix pretty much every single packets format. There is also a VERY large amount of skill effects that would have to be created in the span of C4->IO. Take it from someone currently extending to current classic/salvation :D
  19. Comments inside ai.obj like // -- test comment -- ect, causes the decompiler to throw errors like "Decompile default_npcPHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Parser::fixTypeCase() must be of the type string, null given, " but if the comments are removed, it decompiles fine. If at all possible can support for these types of comments be added?, l2npc handles them fine
  20. NASC compiler (codegen class) also exists in GF L2Npc, but sadly it is removed from anything newer, does not exists in H5 or GD :(. But it is easy enough to just patch GF for compiling :)
  21. Figured i would share this, though it is not the newest version around. It should build any pathnode up to H5 just fine :) official ncsoft pathnode maker :) at least as far as i am aware. It also has some support for superpoint.bin creation...but requires some input files that we have never seen in leaks :) Edit: I am stupid and forgot the link :D https://mega.nz/#!NMAVlKxZ!kG88FAT9uxg2ppwN_OCOj-NBxloHThRnEKLZKrmidsM
  22. I have honestly not read 1 single book on ASM/C++, i more then likely should as my coding styles and knowledge more then likely show that with some of the more skilled people i speak to. But all of my C++/asm knowledge is from reading other extenders that have released there source, and some C++ tutorials online, and from messing with writing simple cheats/hacks in other games when bored after learning the basics of Reverse Engineering, Though i will admit that my Reverse Engineering knowledge is REALLY spoiled by the fact that L2 binary's have "Guard" functions that for the most part, properly label what they are and proper parameters :)
  23. I would have to agree with Anarchy on the whole not needing to go to school for this. I am a nurse admin by trade, but managed to get myself into L2Off extender development about a year and a half to 2 years ago, the hardest part for me was the asm/IDA understanding, but psudocode helped me tremendously visualize what might be going on somewhere, and has since helped me learn more about asm. After about a year of research and learning, i would say i am now pretty comfortably building my Classic-Antharas/Salvation extender, besides scripts, damn you scripts. In the end it really is just about how much you want to do it, and a matter of finding that one thing that makes you think "I am not stopping until i can manage to figure this out". Once that happened for me, is when my drive towards extender development really took off.
  24. I am looking for a team, not more dev's, my hope was to find people capable of doing scripts, as i can handle the extender fine :) but sadly, i have been unable so far to find any scripters even willing to try to work on classic :/
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