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Everything posted by Psyancy

  1. can't revive this section, rito itself destroy it xD a crappy backpack as challenjur reward? i would try to get demoted to master before season ends with this reward ;p
  2. Yeah, i only visited this site once back in the past to check my skins (way back xd)
  3. /ontopic If i'm not wrong they had some issues with getting access to read things on people accounts in order to validate they own the accounts, also the skin list is available in client now so no point of linking your account there and lately because of these and many other reasons looks like it died day by day this is why it's going to be down.
  4. Updated your topic title. Next time read rules before posting otherwise your post will get junked.
  5. Είναι τα μόνα που είναι σε βίντεο και μπορείς να τα καταλάβεις και εγώ με αυτά έμαθα ;p Δεν μου άρεσε το dp2 γιαυτό έμεινες μόνος χδ
  6. Πρώτον υπάρχουν άπειροι οδηγοί εδώ μέσα να ψάξεις. Δεύτερον με ένα απλό google search βρίσκεις τουλάχιστον 10 οδηγούς. Τέλος πάντων. Αυτά που χρειάζεται να μάθεις είναι εδώ. Υ.Γ. @Kara` ακόμα και αυτά από σένα είναι. Θες δεν θες θα βοηθήσεις χαχαχαχα
  7. Yeah, thanks it's good to know. And i'm glad you're smart enough to protect yourself.
  8. You can find grade icons inside Symbol.utx file in your systextures
  9. yah i mean it's not longterm like the old servers we used to play for years
  10. I guess Maxtor could search for a plugin like a note for a member to be shown in every post he makes showing a warning about pottentional warnings.
  11. I've already made a suggestion to @Maxtor about marketplace which will reduce scam attempts for sure.
  12. Unfortunately i don't think players would stay on a long term server nowdays.. The only "longterm" server they would join is servers like l2tales which again isn't a longterm server tbh. And that's sad in my opinion, because there are people trying to revive l2 providing a good content and a long term server and not the classic 1 week servers and they fail due to low online.
  13. Yeah, and you pay 10euro fee to pay faster it's called urgent payment and you need about 24 hours to get them, imagine if it was indeed urgent. Anyways yeah looks like he's trying to get the files for free, however isn't counted as scam, is there any action we should do or?!.
  14. Yeah i know how this goes, it takes maximum up to 24h if you pay 10 euro to make an "urgent" payment. Anyways thanks for letting us know, let me know if you got any update.
  15. Updated/Ενημερώθηκε. Νέος Κανόνας:Από εδώ και πέρα όποιος έχει πάνω από 1 spam post ο λογαριασμός του θα γίνεται flag ως spammer, που σημαίνει ότι δεν θα μπορεί πλέον να κάνει καινούρια πόστ στο φόρουμ μας. New Rule:From now, without any notice, if you have more than one spam post you will be flagged as spammer, meaning you can no longer post on our forum.
  16. If he send you the payment from another bank you have to wait 3 to 4 days to get the money (at least this is how many time it usualy takes for me). If you dont receive the money at all let me know.
  17. I guess they have a skype or something for private convs
  18. @jtos The next time you will use your reputations like that i will chat ban you. Let's say i don't like l2jmobius as well for some reason will you devote every single reply i made as well? Stop bitching and use your reputations wisely everyone.
  19. It seems like you're very familiar with the reality. Reborn is the developer of this project since he got no past experience in h5 before. The administrator of the project is not reborn, therefore stop the drama, Reborn is a moderator here and he should do his "work".
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