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Everything posted by Psyancy

  1. get urself straight. i won't be that friendly next time!
  2. Yeah this can be done too but we will need like 5 gmods accepting new posts :p
  3. unfortunately no, it would be very nice to have it
  4. First of all, we cannot controll banned users making new accounts. We do what you mentioned junking topics/posts etc from banned members but that doesn't solve anything. And secondly and most important, there are way more serious reasons of bans than flaming, xdem, kara and some other users are banned for flaming, but there are scammers that scam every day and we cannot do a lot of things about it, there are users bulling other members and they're doing it by following rules (doesn't scam, flame, etc) and way more reasons that our forum is what it is right now with zero new shares and zero creativity. Some users flame or act childish but tbh isn't so much harm than other users bulling and scamming people here. The fact that xdem will write on l2prideful's topics that the server is trash it won't harm his server AT ALL. But users saying the code someone shared is crap, the npc he made is ugly af, etc will harm the people trying to crete new things and share them with everyone. The point is, we're at a point that we (the staffers) cannot do a lot about these situations, if members won't change their attitude baning them all will end up worst than having them here and won't change a thing. If you remember the old days when tons of people got banned for stupid reasons such as staffer in a similar forum, spaming, flaming, etc (ofc i'm not speaking about scammers) ended up making a dead forum because these were the people that would bring activity into the forum. Now we're trying to bring activity using other ways like hidden content and people still bitching and not following rules at all but no one cares about that, you only care about a harmless post of a guy saying trash a server.
  5. Very nicely done server. It's fun playing there!
  6. Very nice feedback right? just a symbol. 1 warning point for spam.
  7. Είναι τόσο δύσκολο να διαβάσεις τους κανόνες πριν κάνεις ένα τόπικ; Εάν θέλεις πραγματικά βοήθεια πως περιμένεις να την έχεις εάν δεν την ζητήσεις σωστά; Πρώτον έκανες τόπικ σε λάθος κατηγορία. Δεύτερον υπάρχει ήδη τόπικ που μπορείς να βρείς aCis έτοιμο χωρίς να έχει τίποτα μέσα εδώ και επίσης δεν είναι δύσκολο να κάνεις compile το free revision. Το μετέφερα στο σωστό section και άλλαξα τον τίτλο αλλά την επόμενη φορά θα πρέπει να τα κάνεις μόνος σου αν θες να βρείς βοήθεια.
  8. You just received a warning point for false accusations, the next time ban is on you! /Topic cleaned.
  9. You posted this on previews and yet you mentioned server is opening at 09/09 which is 1 month and 10 days before today. Read the rules before you make a post. Moved to private servers, if it was a typo mistake change and it notify someone from mods to move it back to previews.
  10. You get compiled with 3 free mods of your choice (with maximum price of 20euro), update every month (compiled) and access to VIP boards from what i've seen.
  11. I tried with both mipmaps and compression DXT1 or none but none of them worked, i guess what sinister said makes sense since dds plugin generates its own mipmaps while tga gets the already generated mipmaps maybe this would make it work.
  12. Jeez.. First of all we both know that's it's not about money in this case, you made something and you're proud of it and you have to. But what you're doing is not good, it's like you're going on a private server and advertising another one, who's gonna look dumb? The server owner or you? Secondly no he didn't cry or something, i was watching his topic anyways and he also reported your reply and like you said i'm managing a forum so i came to do my work. What do you think i am? Everyone's little b1@$c doing everything they say to me? Stop being a drama queen and mind your own damn business.
  13. Yah, i've checked all of your videos, it's just that when i saw that reply from the bot i couldn't stop laugh xD Anyways, i like how this is going, it looks promissing. The only reason i would add such engine on my server would be to test things and not just to get some fake online count, so in my case what you're going to do now is good, the more these bots will do the better will be.
  14. It's not working like interlude for some reason, i was working on a h5 server recently and the icons had the same issue, i did it the same way i used to do it for IL but it didn't work. @Strain maybe you know how to do that on H5?
  15. Run like my ex XD im dead I get it you can provide an alternative on that but people can find it anyways on our share section you don't have to advertise it everywhere. Stay on topic, you can say your opinion, you can discuss about anything related to author product, but keep yours out of it.
  16. It's not only community lol. If you really believe your crap thinking you're one of the reasons l2 is goin to die. l2 is simply going to die because of the following reasons 1. Even a kid with zero knowledge can open a frozen change configs and open a server with 50 euro maximum. That ruins l2 simply because these type of servers are and will be crap. 2. Everyone nowdays sees l2 as business, they do everything they can to make a money server ending up players within a week to be full and after some pvp they simply get bored. 3. Due to the both facts i mentioned before when someone is going to make a server which needs more than a week farm to get items who's going to join when people are used to change server every week? Who's going to farm when everyone is used to farm maximum 1 hour and start PvP. Even x20 servers which considered as mid rates and hard to get items last for 1 month - 2 tops due to the fact that even in these rates admins focus more on donations and pvp making server easy enough to become boring after some time. Back in the days we used to play long term servers and farm for weeks and months to get the best gear possible because even donations back then wasn't that op, i remember back in the days when L2Gang was epilogue it was a x1000 pvp server but we were playing there for years even on client upgrades and we always had something to do with a maximum enchant of +10 which almost noone could get (i was the one of those that had 2 weaps +10 back then) and the donate enchant was +7 now you get from donations enchants like +20 when the normal max is +16, you get augments, you get a lot of things which back in the days you had to farm and spend hours trying to enchant, augment, etc. Who's gonna do that now?
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