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Everything posted by Psyancy

  1. As title says. I'm LF a non custom High Five PvP server. And by no custom i mean items such as armors, weapons, etc.
  2. Before you make any deal make sure you've contacted the real skype and follow seller's instructions. If you got scammed by the fake skype it's not Flytowin's fault, it's yours!
  3. Please stay ontopic. If you want to spam you got spam topics section!
  4. Competition Winners: 1st Place - VIP Membership: @Benman 2nd Place - Donator Membershop: @HyperBlown (Please pm me where you want to gift your reward since you're already VIP) 3rd Place - 3 Reputation Points: @Kara` Congratulations guys and thank you for participating.
  5. Competition ended. We will announce the results later today. Locked for now.
  6. Cursing is not allowed in any way. And as you said you said your opinion with a vote, this is why this system exists if you use it in a proper way. Vilmis received 1 warning point for abusive behavior.
  7. Thanks xD /ontopic Welcome back and good luck with your sales mate.
  8. Still it's a good thing to mention. And it may help some people change the way they think and they reply to share topics. Each person got his own skills/knowledge and ways to make a code big or small, if every time someone shared something that it was somehow wrong or wrong at all and someone was pointing him the proper way of improving his code there will be a lot more shares and new things.
  9. If you use acis you need to add the command in accessLevels.xml If you use acis you need to add the command in admin_command_access_rights.sql
  10. I was speaking about the feature shares. I think a basic test to see if it works (no matter if it has bugs, or things that can be improved later) would be nice tho. Don't know if you did test it, i'm just saying.
  11. i think he was speaking about the presentation ;p it was well presented to the community.
  12. I totally agree with what you mentioned. It's a fact that a lot of people stop sharing things because they received tons of "flames" for their codes either because it was a small code, or it was bad coded, or coded the wrong way and the list goes on.. Included myself as well on this list, i made some shares back in the past and had tons of flames because of the reasons i mentioned above and i was like "fuck it, why should i spend time writing and trying to make a good presentation for a topic that people would start flame and say that my work is bad? My opinion is when you post a code that you don't know if it works properly you can leave a note saying that code isn't fully tested and it is not recommended for live servers. Doing it this way you inform people that your code may be bad coded or not working properly. Also it would be good for new developers to make their own codes the way they can and some developers with better knowledge help him improve the code, like for example i saw one post before some days from melron if i'm not wrong and he forgot just one small thing which maybe someone wouldn't even see and access saw that and letted him know about that and there was one more suggestion if i'm not wrong that helped him improve the code. Imagine shares working like this one. We would have more new shares and working ones as well if everyone was trying to do new things and other people helped each other.
  13. Nice one bud, thanks for sharing it with us!
  14. @L2Elixir.com I merge your triple posting within 24 hours and you received a warning point. Next time you violate the forum rules, you account will receive a 3 days chat ban. I warned you already on your report topic and you don't seem to listen. So we're going by the book now!
  15. According to your logic since "ty for share" made by a lot of users is a spam but posting at the same day twice is not spam right? Because the posts that Katherine deleted were like this one: http://prntscr.com/knxq1a posts made the same day without 24 hours passing between each post, meaning it is indeed a spam. And there were a lot more than that but Katherine cleaned them, if you check there are also some posts made 24 hours after last post but they are not deleted. Why's that? because it is not counted as spam so they are still there. So yes l2elixir did spammed and what we did was clean them. One more thing. I personaly give warning to each member spams with posts like "ty", "gg" and replies like that members that they make double and triple posts because the rules are saying that spam is not allowed. BUT i didn't warned l2elixir once. And if i do you know what's next if he keeps doing it? Chat ban 3 days and after that since the member is refusing to follow those simple rules he will simply get banned. Now i didn't do any of that because like you and someone else mentioned he want to advertise his server, he paid money for those images, BUT if he wants to have a post at mxc he HAS to follow forum rules like everyone else. And one last thing. You think this dude really cares? Look even at your own posts, you asked him who made this images and he simply ignored you like he did to everyone else. He didn't spend like 30 seconds to give a player an answer to his/her question but he spends time to make a report topic here because mods following our forum rules. I really got tired of all these things at times for real. There are so many rules violations which makes me some times to say "fck it i can't give so many warnings", "i can't lock so many threads", "i can't move so many things" because people are refused to follow some simple rules and we have to do things for them like they are childs or something. Learn to follow some simple rules if you want to be part of a community, it works like that everywhere. If you do not follow rules you simply got punished. We're trying our best to not punish everyone just by trying to warn them first or clean their spams so it won't look like spam but they still don't care. Why should i care about the money he spend for those images? I simply wont. And that' the end of the discussions here. @L2Elixir.com You got your answers. And you get a last warning from me since you wanted to get attraction, the next time you won't follow our forum rules i will go "by the book" this time and won't only clean your spam replies.
  16. First of all because a topic doesn't have posts in it means mxc is dead? lol look at forum activity. Secondly did i say that this particular server is dead? I said my opinion about how it looks a topic with posts made only by server owner and again as MY OWN OPINION. Use your brain next time before you make a post..
  17. On topic @admirolas3 this is the best i could do, only index page. https://mega.nz/#!F0kyXADB!QMbyLutG9OhUfiHn-331LFvLzRMromOBmDgPKLszSyI
  18. I will tell you my opinion about that and it's just my opinion. From a player's perspective, if you see a topic where admin posts every day a new post and there are like 5 pages of him without anyone else reply i would clam this server as "dead" since there is no activity on its thread i would think that when server opens it will have the same inactivity. From a moderator's perspective, if you see multiple replies it's counted as spam and we already mentioned a lot of times to topic starts that in order to avoid situations like the one here it will be better to edit the last post made by topic owner if there is no new reply from any other member. From a server owner's perspective is better to post daily updates with unique content to bump his topic and inform people about new things on the server. I personaly don't see multiple posts as spam if there are like 3,4 posts but when you see 3 pages for example with posts only from topic owner it looks bad.
  19. Nicely done mate. Make sure you'll update it in feature i'll sticky your topic.
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