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Everything posted by Psyancy

  1. Also your first image on your topic the logo says Antaras, you need to add one more letter on it.
  2. I believe that with a proper "motivation" a team of these developers with knowledge about if not everything at least almost everything would be able to get lineage into a whole new level of gaming content but it would require to give each one of them a specific sector job to do otherwise it could end up to a war zone with each one of them trying to fix other's mistakes which for some others could be still wrong and this would never end ending up some of them quiting project, some of them fight to death or even killing the guy who brought them all together in the first place xD
  3. Yeah but there must be something behind it. Either that's advertise his company, or something but i don't think he want's nothing in return.
  4. Read rules -> NEW! Bumping rules: You are allowed to BUMP (Bring up your topic/post) your topic only 24 hours after your last post. You have just to press the following button: VIPs & Donators can bump 3 topics per day. Members can bump 1 topic per day. Note: All BUMP posts (any words like "bump", "up", etc.) are not allowed anymore and they will be DELETED(To avoid post hunting through this kind of topics).
  5. Topic locked. IF Maxtor wants to reply he's free to do it. But forget about unban. When you will be able to stay on this forum without being you we can let you be here. Untill then, you won't.
  6. Δεν είναι θέμα το ότι είναι σε ένα φόρουμ, το θέμα είναι ότι φαίνεται πολύ άσχημα στα μάτια του καθένα το να βλέπει έναν τύπο να βρίζει τους πάντες τόσο άσχημα και όλοι να αδιαφορούν. Και το γεγονός ότι είναι ένα φόρουμ δεν έχει να λέει κάτι, το ίδιο άγνωστος σου είμαι εδώ αν σου μιλήσω και το ίδιο άγνωστος θα σου είμαι αν σε δω στον δρόμο και σου μιλήσω, απλά στο φόρουμ είσαι λίγο πιο "ελεύθερος" γιατί δεν σε νοιάζει και τόσο γιατί και να γίνει κάτι χέστηκες, λες και θα σε βρει ποτέ ο άλλος να σου κάνει/πει τίποτα.. Όπως και να έχει όμως είναι πολύ άσχημο να βλέπεις κάποιον να βρίζει έτσι.
  7. Didn't think of that. Here's your reason mate. You didn't do anything? You're accessdenied. In case you don't remember banned kinda recently and not only to one account. You know what's funny? I was thinking to rename your account ImBatman to "iWillNotMakeMoreAccounts" in case you see that and make it reality, but then you would be banned and trolled at the same time and i was afraid that you couldn't handle that. Hello, i'm that loser you mentioned. And btw, you demand unban? There is a reason your accounts are getting banned meaning you don't have the right to demand anything. At least when you make a new account keep a low profile, mind your own business, don't make it too obvious it's you and don't say that you're not AccessDenied, your second profile named ServerSins which everyone knows its you used the same IP with ImBatman's account. And btw i banned that too. So you're saying that within a month you became a better person cuz u got banned in maxcheaters right? If yes i can keep ban you, you may become the best person EUNE one day.
  8. Στο συγκεκριμένο θέμα έχει δίκιο γιατι είναι πολύ άσχημο το βρυσίδι που ρίχνει..
  9. his email is similar but not the same with the one you showed.
  10. You reported another guy for this trade with the same pictures as proofs, now you tell me he did that?
  11. what about the topic owner?
  12. Psyancy

    Vip me

    Jampa is readed "tzampa" which in greek language means free. You could make some free shares here to make the best usage of your name ;p
  13. Prefix added. And btw i saw on your last post you said you want to buy as well, you don't only sell. If you want to sell and buy as well in the same topic you could use WTT prefix, it's up to you.
  14. Since there is no maxcheaters member linked to this email i will leave this topic open to warn other seller who may make trades with him/her on the future. If you find any more info or any account here on maxcheaters let me know to take actions.
  15. there are another forums as wel using spanish language i'm not gonna mention them but i guess you already know them.
  16. Edit your previous post, don't double post.
  17. I get it that you're trying to advice him to use english, but speaking about other forums similar to ours is counted as advertise and it is not allowed so please do not do that again.
  18. Moved to the proper section. Please read rules before posting!
  19. The fact that he used that word doesn't mean he's not trusted. I don't say i aproove actions like this, but it won't make him untrused. So please next time you call somenoe untrusted or something have some valid proofs for that.
  20. For real? In report section? How about read rules before posting? Anyway since you find a solution topic locked.
  21. Since seller claims he did not make a trade with you provide valid proofs or your post will be deleted.
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