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Everything posted by Psyancy

  1. Do not double post within 24 hours. Next time you do this your topic will get junked. Respect rules if you want to stay here.
  2. You need to understand that if you fail to protect yourself from scammers we cannot do anything about it. There are several warnings on his topic showing how to avoid being scammed by fake sites or skypes if you can't at least read properly and protect yourself then it's on you that you got scammed. Topic locked. Next time pay more attention!
  3. Posting within 24hours before last post is not allowed. Use bump button to bump your topic. Next time your post will get junked.
  4. Posting within 24hours before last post is not allowed. Use bump button to bump your topic. Next time your post will get junked.
  5. Since Kara said everything was fine from his side there is no reason to ban you again, your main account is unbanned. /OnTopic here is a topic to report scammers so please stop discussing non related to report things in here.
  6. Yup. He's @Mikoto, whenever you see live:id his id is id@hotmail.something his was xenoriu@hotmail.fr He even got the topic asking what you mentioned: And btw banned.
  7. nah only 3,4 players, on my clan none of them were from here ;p only one guy was at sunrise forums
  8. ahahah xD my first char was Tzivatos (farm only) now i got ambulance (bp) and iNeedBoobs (evas templar)
  9. they fixed it, it was indeed pain in the ass xd ti ekanes? XD we killed (me and my clan) a pink crest today, it was u? xd
  10. then if it has no sql and tools files it should have a backup file for db, you need to run it on your database
  11. I think something is wrong with your database can't see the top of the error did you install your database?
  12. Important notice. Make sure before you make a deal that you haven't contacted the wrong skype, double check it before you make any deals. @sQuaaak mentions in his first topic his real and only skype id. Do not make trades with any other skype user.
  13. You get something for free is this so hard to make a proper reply to get what you want? It costs you nothing but some seconds.
  14. DO NOT post before 24 hours and use the bump button in order to bump your topic. If you want to update it, update the first post and use bump button. It's your first and last warning.
  15. **Update! Maxcheaters chat ban for free just for you for one week. Next time update your first post for updates and use the bump button stop making spam replies.
  16. set your ip or localhost ip to configs gameserver and loginserver and then run startGameServer.bat from gameserver folder and startLoginServer.bat from login folder and you're ready
  17. I think he means the concept not the codes itself from old gve pack
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