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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. 1. What has jamesy the great poohbear done? (I really want to know - so i can tease his crumpets). 2. Your the only one taking offence like a little bitch (Which totally has nothing to do with History, or our history right?). 3. You've shared no knowedge. Infact the best thing you could have done, is you know do what your mouth says you will do. see following example: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/174382-community-project-open-source-extender-information-window/?view=findpost&p=2321919 His obviously problem is trying to HexEdit with the Disassembler known as IDA. ...which i would have gladly said him had he posted "listen i don't get this shit - why is that i cant save it in ida!". And i would have replied "Well - for one HexEdit with a HexEditor not a Disassembler. Use any free whatever you can find on google".
  2. Come on then - what information was wrong? Do tell, i'm curious. Let's ignore my hexeditor picture, showing the 4 at the exact offset in file i mentioned and the IDA picture showing the exact logic that checks against 4 as a maximum. ...and instead listen to the wisdom of the great xRiVaLx. Well?
  3. ...are you blind or intentionally trying to attack me because your angry of revealing what you did to your "clients"? Not praising you for hooking a few packets and sharing it? It had everything to do with it - hence you edited it for him. If he didn't know how to Hex Edit anything - he could google or ask. Trial & Error is part of the experience of learning.
  4. how the fuck could you fuck that up? it's like litterally going to the offset i provide and finding a 4 and changing it with ANY hex editor.
  5. hook ,0x840442+1 or Hex edit 0x43f843 with any bytesized number.
  6. Basically your entire thread is flawed. And your full of contradictory statements. You can claim indepedence, and not seeking capitalistic monetary gains from this - but then why ask? Start doing whatever the fuck you want - it's your "hobby" and you want to do stuff "right". Why ask people on a forum? If money is no issue - then why is 300 euro the hard limit as well? ...Pointless. You want profit out of this - like everyone else and you don't want to burn your supposed investment. Which is not how you approach anything in single business entity - it's how your approach stuff in a general market.
  7. No, L2Off doesn't work like L2J - and working around AdvExt's protections become tiresome.
  8. Can't remember - but if there's not something in npcdata (i believe not). Then it's deep somewhere in a base AI class. Investigate the heirarchy of mobs that are manor spoilable or whatever you call it.
  9. i like HDGE 1.07, drin version. altho if there still isn't a better l2j geodata editor by now - i'd be disappointed.
  10. The only logic is there's a 18h check somewhere - but it seems unlikely. i'll investigate - there's a possibility the effect code itself checks for > 4 - but im pretty sure abnormal logic doesn't.
  11. Your doing something wrong - the p_effect should work fine. Unless l2server also caps - but since i just removed stuff from there i know it pretty much adds the value from p_enlarge into the total limit.
  12. It's the geo itself and wrong cells. fix cells manually with a geo editor or buy some premium Geo from someone for the specific zone.
  13. Not without some creative shell exeuction thru SQL - altho technicly one could create a solution that way by kicking players.
  14. Really basic questions 1.setting.txt 2. Maker control for AI and other assorted params. 3. Same way it's been done since c1, areadata.
  15. He wants a substuck system. Although specificly how is a mystery. Most likely looking for the "query" used in SQL.
  16. Your "documentation" consists of what? AIR? You have zero documentation just a few comments and assembly hooks. And lets be honest here, your "extender" here is the most basic packets changed to make a client connect and work. Your great rise to fame is changing some formats and sending null data. So your great share is formats and some hooks for them, awesome. If you can't even begin to hook and analyze basics - you won't get anywhere with ANY source. You know it and i know it. COEP has been open for ages - and has a framework\structure that's atleast somewhat sane and will give people an understanding on how stuff is structured. And how to perhaps start writing they're own ext for GF. So no, i don't think changing a few packet formats with h5 data that's openly available in nearly every l2j slash phx edition counts as being worth ANYTHING. Especially when COEP is open with basic structure\research on C4 - and has been for the better part of what 5 years? So save the crap - and tell me why you want him to contact you. Why can he not ask questions public and get public answers?
  17. I didn't wanna post in this thread - for hopefully obvious reasons - but....... You cannot do anything with this - if you know how to program "OOP". Writing extenders, writing code for already precompiled native binaries - has 1% to do with programming and 99% to do with research. Infact if you "know how to program java\.net\php" blablabla insert script\managed language here - you will be at a MASSIVE disadvantage when you actually reach the 1% programming part. Because you don't know shit about lower level concepts and how they relate to the research part - nor how to handle\understand memory and different than STD constructs. Which will trap you and make your code fail once you've actually done the hard part. See COEP as example. Either way - COEP is far by a better example to learn from due to the design decisions are alot more sane for portability\readability\future compatibility than this (Who the fuck makes direct assembly packet hooks individually? - suicide not to have direct packer handler hooks for handling all incoming\outgoing packets) And you can try run it yourself - to learn that even tho design-wise it' maybe good, the direct poor c++ code will cause headaches.
  18. Nothing free will be up to date - and incur many "a" script bugs that most players seem to expect fixed. That and dupes + certain core functionality of course. There's either depmax64.org or l2service.com Pros and cons of each - and the second one is not particularly newbie friendly support wise. On the other the first will charge you for support anyhow so... Pick your poison.
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/73769-guide-extenders/ Here. Go nuts.
  20. But that's not what you asked. You asked for a scenario where item adds pledge points. By summon that's possible.
  21. ...summon NPC - NPC add points to master, npc despawn.
  22. Wouldn't cause disconnect on A<>S. Most likely some config is wrong and\or dawid\hint new update is now causing issues. Seems hard to imagine the first causing such an error, so most likely second.
  23. "Hi - buy this fantastic car! - it's top speed is 250 KM/H!!!" "...but it looks like a toyota corolla from 85?" "HOW YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT MY CAR IS MY CAR IS AWESOME AND ONLY I KNOW AND IT GOES 250 MPH YOU CANNOT SAY WITHOUT TRYING YOU SUCK!! LEAVE NOW!". This is you.
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