You are big comedian;stop protecting ur self and accept the truth' server was fine and nobody destroyed it. In the end of the day you have to learn how to accept some constructive critisism.
First of all as u said it was "suggestions" and noone put a gun in your head to imply those changes;if you did that it's on you and a mere suggestion doesnt destroy any server if you decided to go through with it that's on you.But then again your server didn't die by those changes.
You said when sieges are done we will get the rewards etc but when we tried to contact you about it you never wrote back to us.A man is all about his word and his honnor to realise it. Apparently you lack the basic dignity to fullfill your own promises and that's why I said we won't make the same mistake again. (Try keep this in mind; if your only end goal is only making money and you don't care about your reputation and your popularity,this project will keep failing as last one did.)
You have to get your priorities right and money will come as long as u build a loyal community.But no player will be loyal to your projects if they see that the only thing you care about is grabbing those $$ and never look back. Deep down u know I'm right your self;if you put your ego aside and start acting like a responsible Server owner for once.
As players we donated and played your server nothing was for free so we should be considered respected clients,well by promising stuff just to get the action going and then taking it back,even worse on such immature reasons,doesnt look good mate.And again I'm telling you stuff that you for sure heard before nothing new here.Keep in mind i'm not trying to insult you I'm just telling u facts and those facts lead us to not trusting your project. A man is as good as his word,and you failed us there not gonna lie.