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Everything posted by melron

  1. i believe should be ok with this example but let someone else who knows about client to give u a hand
  2. Take a look how a gm can start abnormal effect. character.startAbnormalEffect(action); You can take action by decode them (0x) from this list: Bleed 1 Poison 2 Unk3 4 Unk4 8 Unk5 10 Unk6 20 Stun 40 Sleep 80 Mute 100 Root 200 Hold 1 400 Hold 2 800 Unk13 1000 Big Head 2000 Flame 4000 Unk16 8000 Unk17 10000 FloatRoot 20000 DanceStun 40000 FireRStun 80000 Stealth 100000 Imprisio1 200000 Imprisio2 400000 MgcCircle 800000 You can check the passive skill when the player is logging in and if the skill found start the effect if you are looking only for client edit i cant help u :P
  3. else if ((classId == 125) && (player.getClassId() == ClassId.maleSoldier)) { - QuestState qs = player.getQuestState(Q00062_PathOfTheTrooper.class.getSimpleName()); - if (player.getLevel() < 20) - { - if ((qs != null) && qs.isCompleted()) - { - htmltext = "32191-13.htm"; // master_all_kamael009ma - } - else - { - htmltext = "32191-14.htm"; // master_all_kamael008ma - } - } - else if ((qs == null) || !qs.isCompleted()) - { - htmltext = "32191-15.htm"; // master_all_kamael010ma - } - else - { takeItems(player, GWAINS_RECOMMENDATION, -1); player.setClassId(125); player.setBaseClass(125); // SystemMessage and cast skill is done by setClassId player.broadcastUserInfo(); giveItems(player, SHADOW_ITEM_EXCHANGE_COUPON_D_GRADE, 15); htmltext = "32191-16.htm"; // master_all_kamael011ma - } } else if ((classId == 126) && (player.getClassId() == ClassId.femaleSoldier)) { - QuestState qs = player.getQuestState(Q00063_PathOfTheWarder.class.getSimpleName()); - if (player.getLevel() < 20) - { - if ((qs != null) && qs.isCompleted()) - { - htmltext = "32191-17.htm"; // master_all_kamael008fa - } - else - { - htmltext = "32191-18.htm"; // master_all_kamael009fa - } - } - else if ((qs == null) || !qs.isCompleted()) - { - htmltext = "32191-19.htm"; // master_all_kamael010fa - } - else - { takeItems(player, STEELRAZOR_EVALUATION, -1); player.setClassId(126); player.setBaseClass(126); // SystemMessage and cast skill is done by setClassId player.broadcastUserInfo(); giveItems(player, SHADOW_ITEM_EXCHANGE_COUPON_D_GRADE, 15); htmltext = "32191-20.htm"; // master_all_kamael011fa - } } try this one
  4. Since you need for clan and clan halls why you are checking for castle? wtf? just checks in useitem && enterworld....
  5. try to learn some basics my friend... remove the quotes "" p.sendPacket(new CreatureSay(activeChar.getObjectId(), Say2.ALL, activeChar.getName(), message)); also remove the useless check in boolean p.getAccessLevel().isGm() == true if(p.getRace() == charRace || p.getAccessLevel().isGm()) its like you are saying "if my name is X and my name is X"
  6. as reborn suggested, your Z should be wrong. take care with '-' value
  7. Equals de? That means the player must send command ".de" and if the command is ".de hi" equals will return false. In his case want the actual command as the message - ".de" . Correct me if I'm wrong
  8. then something about the Skill list packet? re-send it to check it
  9. English section. Learn at least the basics of your pack. gameserver\data\xml\npcs
  10. everything is possible my friend.
  11. if(command.startsWith("giran")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(82337, 148602, -3467); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Giran"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("dion")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(18492, 145386, -3118); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Dion"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("oren")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(82769, 53573, -1498); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Oren"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("gludio")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(-12864, 122716, -3117); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Gludio"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("gludin")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(-80928, 150055, -3044); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Gludin"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("aden")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(147361, 26953, -2205); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Aden"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("schuttgart")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(87359, -143224, -1293); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Schuttgart"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("orcvillage")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(-44429, -113596, -220); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Orcvillage"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("darkelvenvillage")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(11620, 16780, -4662); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Darkelvenvillage"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("elvenvillage")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(47050, 50767, -2996); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Elvenvillage"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("dwarvenvillage")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(115526, -178660, -945); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Dwarvenvillage"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("heine")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(111396, 219254, -3546); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Heine"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("huntersvillage")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(116440, 76320, -2730); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Huntersvillage"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("floran")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(17144, 170156, -3502); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Floran"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("goddard")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(147720, -55560, -2735); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Goddard"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } else if(command.startsWith("rune")) { activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(43848, -48033, -797); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a Rune"); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); } public enum Towns { giran(new Location(82337, 148602, -3467)), aden(new Location(147361, 26953, -2205)), ...... oren(new Location(82769, 53573, -1498)); private Location location; Towns(Location loc) { this.location = loc; } public Location getLocation() { return location; } } activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true); activeChar.teleToLocation(Towns.valueOf(command).getLocation(), 30); activeChar.sendMessage("Usted ha sido transportado a " + command); _reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay);
  12. generally synchronized keyword is working to prevent a mess while multiple threads try write/read the same for example variable or a class that uses another class while have access in the same variable. In your case for the same time y, will be a 'pause' between the players reward
  13. In case you dont have voiced command handlers... Say2.java IChatHandler handler = ChatHandler.getInstance().getChatHandler(_type); if (handler != null) - handler.handleChat(_type, activeChar, _target, _text); +{ + if (_text.startsWith(".e") && _type != 2 ) //pm case + { + switch(activeChar.getRace()) + { + case ELF: + for (Player player : World.getInstance().getPlayers()) + { + if (player.getRace() == ClassRace.ELF) + player.sendPacket(new CreatureSay(0, _type, player.getName(),_text.substring(2))); + else + player.sendPacket(new CreatureSay(0, _type, player.getName(),activeChar.getName() + " is writing in Elf language")); + + } + break; + case DARK_ELF: + //code + break; + } + } + else + handler.handleChat(_type, activeChar, _target, _text); +}
  14. is this html manually designed or you are using StringBuilder?
  15. Βασικα θελει αλλαγη σε πολλα σημεια. Οπως εδω: if ((st.getPlayer().getParty() != null) && (st.getPlayer().getParty().getCommandChannel() != null) && (st.getPlayer().getParty().getCommandChannel().size() >= 18)) { for (Player plr : st.getPlayer().getParty().getCommandChannel()) { st = plr.getQuestState(getName()); if (st != null) { switch (npc.getNpcId()) { case DrakeLord: st.set(String.valueOf(DrakeLordCorpse), 1); break; case BehemothLeader: st.set(String.valueOf(BehemothLeaderCorpse), 1); break; case DragonBeast: st.set(String.valueOf(DragonBeastCorpse), 1); break; } } } } δοκιμασε το ετσι st = plr.getQuestState(getName()); if (st != null) { switch (npc.getNpcId()) { case DrakeLord: st.set(String.valueOf(DrakeLordCorpse), 1); break; case BehemothLeader: st.set(String.valueOf(BehemothLeaderCorpse), 1); break; case DragonBeast: st.set(String.valueOf(DragonBeastCorpse), 1); break; } }
  16. (Sunday = day 1) As calendar reads for the current week you have to add days. I hope I helped
  17. Enterworld check isnt the best case.. i can store my +60 weap into wh , log out, log in , withdraw. Add a check in useItem method . You can do many things like in setEnchant method allow only < ur + .
  18. This is true actually. I dont know why this is happening but here is a little change to fix that... Heal.java SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S2_HP_RESTORED_BY_S1); -sm.addString(activeChar.getName()); -sm.addNumber((int) hp); +sm.addNumber((int) hp); +sm.addString(activeChar.getName()); Systemmsg.dat -$s2 HP has been restored by $s1. +$s1 HP has been restored by $s2. SubMsg: $s1 HP
  19. SkyLord you will never find a partner man :jew:
  20. if you will play with sqrt should be as x^2,y^2 if im not mistaken. did you try Math.hypot?
  21. Sup sky? Will you respond this time to your people? :happyforever:
  22. A java project could be even x2 times better than offi . i played the first 2 cleaves and , maybe not 4k but 3k for sure. As you said 80% of the players were in high level farm locations and that was amazing. Good luck!
  23. u can play with checks ... in doAttack() method you should check if the attacker is gonna hit your boss and then control the mobs you want , send attack take an example: if (this instanceof L2PcInstance && target instanceof L2MonsterInstance) { L2MonsterInstance boss = (L2MonsterInstance) target; if (boss.getNpcId() == your boss id) { for (L2Character mob : boss.getKnownList().getKnownCharactersInRadius(your radius)) { if (mob instanceof L2MonsterInstance && !((L2MonsterInstance)mob).isRaid()) { ((L2MonsterInstance)mob).getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, this); } } } }
  24. Just add a check in drop method of your pack. make a list or with one while loop of the items you want and when the retail drop is under dropping just add your drop there. example with a random item: // Check if the autoLoot mode is active if ((isRaid() && Config.AUTO_LOOT_RAID) || (!isRaid() && Config.AUTO_LOOT)) player.doAutoLoot(this, item); // Give this or these Item(s) to the L2PcInstance that has killed the L2Attackable else dropItem(player, item); // drop the item on the ground + int itemId = Rnd.get(1,9000); + ItemInstance extraItem = ItemTable.getInstance().createItem("Extra Item", itemId, 1, player, null); + + while (extraItem == null) + { + itemId = Rnd.get(1,9000); + extraItem = ItemTable.getInstance().createItem("Extra Item", itemId, 1, player, null); + } + + IntIntHolder specialItem = new IntIntHolder(extraItem.getItemId(),1); + //finally + if (your config) + player.doAutoLoot(this, specialItem); + else + dropItem(player, specialItem);
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