1st) wrong section.
add one more global variable like private static final maxEnchant =0;
then when you check the type of the item like this
else if (event.equals("enchantShieldOrSigil"))
armorType = Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND;
enchantType = "EnchantArmor.htm";
htmlText = enchant(enchantType, player, armorType, itemRequiredArmor, itemRequiredArmorCount);
add your desired max enchant based on what type is. example 'shield' should be +15 so...
else if (event.equals("enchantShieldOrSigil"))
armorType = Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND;
enchantType = "EnchantArmor.htm";
maxEnchant = 15;
htmlText = enchant(enchantType, player, armorType, itemRequiredArmor, itemRequiredArmorCount);
then replace
if ( currentEnchant < 25 )
if ( currentEnchant < maxEnchant )
but, as i can see there is something wrong with your enchanter..
why this is there?
newEnchantLevel = setEnchant(player, item, currentEnchant+100, armorType);
every enchant is +100?