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Everything posted by melron

  1. As sam said its impressive :) good work
  2. Config.java find public static final String SIEGE_FILE = "./config/siege.properties"; after that create your own custom file , for example: (the path) public static final String CUSTOM_FILE = "./config/custom.properties"; now find public static int SIEGE_LENGTH; before/after that add your own variable like for example public static int CUSTOM_SUB_LEVEL; then search for private static final void loadSieges(). after /before this method create your own , for example: /** * Loads custom settings. */ private static final void loadCustoms() { final ExProperties custom = initProperties(Config.CUSTOM_FILE); CUSTOM_SUB_LEVEL = custom.getProperty("CustomSubClassLevel", 80); } last step: search for public static final void loadGameServer() you will see more methods like loadClans(); etc.. just add your new method like loadCustoms(); ===================================================== Go to /config (the path you used) and create a .properties file with name custom. inside just write: CustomSubClassLevel = (your level) You done :)
  3. There are guides about how to add a new config. its about a minute dont be lazy :D
  4. SubClass.java public SubClass(int classId, int classIndex) { _class = ClassId.VALUES[classId]; _classIndex = classIndex; _exp = Experience.LEVEL[40]; _sp = 0; _level = 40; }
  5. maximum fence size is 1000. Maximum acceptable value is 1099 with 1000 as return size (it could be higher). Types are 1 and 2 1) only the 4 columns 2) columns with fences between them For spawning them in some conditions automatically you have to store the location where the fence was spawned, type, sizes (2), height. A table with fences data would be perfect.
  6. i told u 2 times in pm that i'll do it 2morrow 4 free cause im not home lol... wtf ppl?
  7. Oh shit...
  8. You still believe that someone didnt get what you need? :P
  9. Many useless data for a simple check. There is a boolean isGm() Reciever & sender are already created and cannot be null. You need more checks about if the player is pming the gm while is in oly,inside of other event or even in pvp mode. _target.equals( string ) its wrong compare between two different objects. Probably you forgot getName().equals You can name it as a 'base' of the code he is looking for
  10. It isnt so hard, you have to add some checks in Say2.java. You need help but help us too by giving your project's name.
  11. Why you need 2nd instance based on the other? just add two buttons with the only difference the enchant check and the price lol
  12. Can you explain what exactly you looking for? you want instant 1k enchants? or ?
  13. Just Click on it (you will see the method's bg as grey), do not select it
  14. search for a magician to solve your problem so he can guess what pack you are using and crawl the rest code
  15. even if this is the right place to add the check, check again what you just did. You removing the effect and then you checking if is toggle? L2Character.java -> click the stopAllEffects() with your cursor in order to highlight it In eclipse tools -> Refactor -> Change Method Signature click on Add button . A default column will appear with : Object as 'type' , newParam as Name, null as Default Value. Edit them with 'boolean' as type , 'onDeath' as Name , 'false' as default value Click ok. L2Character.java -> doDie() method, edit all stopAllEffects(false) with true argument only those are inside of "if (this instanceof L2PcInstance)" check Edit the method stopAllEffects like this: public final void stopAllEffects(boolean onDeath) { final L2Effect[] effects = getAllEffects(); for (final L2Effect effect : effects) { if (effect != null) { if (onDeath && effect.getSkill().isToggle()) continue; effect.exit(true); } else { synchronized (_effects) { _effects.remove(effect); } } } if (this instanceof L2PcInstance) { ((L2PcInstance) this).updateAndBroadcastStatus(2); } } If you just add a check in stopAllEffects() for toggle then even in subclass change/add/cancel or idk where this method is used you will keep all toggles .... P.s 'Not tested'
  16. (It is english section) Lets think about it, You go to the shop and saying if the Coca Cola is zero i like it. Then you saying if Coca Cola exists in your shop, give me one. With the only difference that is java and not a shop and the 'warning' is telling you that the variable item cannot be null at this location Because this variable is used a few lines before. Delete this check or before if (item.isAugmented()) add a check if (item == null) return;
  17. People are confusing me. You guys saying acis bad, ok. Your personal view. Feel free to start a mid server with l2jfrozen,scoria,hellas or what ever free is out there and then come here and talk about bugs. It's so simple people. There is not exist any single project out there without bugs. You selecting the pack you want to work with and fixing by urself the bugs you want to be fixed and checking the project's owner he's updates. Oh, frozen doesnt have updates anymore.. wait.. scoria too... oh... Lets talk about the servers who successed as mid rate or even better low rate with frozen. Actually lets count em. -0-. (Maybe 1? i doubt). With all due respect for the projects owners my opinion is that acis is much better than all others but that doesnt mean acis is project without bugs.
  18. http://legacy.lineage2.com/news/interlude_15.html 2nd paragraph too. See it as event, make your plan, start the creation, done
  19. if you mean this <button value="Test " width=65 height=19 back="L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2_over" fore="L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2">
  20. You can create int[],list or even do a for loop but instead of that CategoryType enum isn't exist with healer category?
  21. What you mean don't working? explain your problem...
  22. getClassId() returns enum, so do it getClassId().getId()
  23. Its obvious that is there (RequestBypassToServer) but not in mysql connection. Debug your code and find your line
  24. try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE passkey SET passkey = ? WHERE obj_Id = ?"); st.setString(1, encodePass(pass)); st.setInt(2, player.getObjectId()); st.executeUpdate(); st.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Simply use try-with-ressources statements, then java automatically will close the connection Edit: Your error has nothing to do with the connection btw
  25. connections must be closed . otherwise Ressource leak will take place and MySQLNonTransientConnectionException error will appear because of unclosed ressource
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