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Everything posted by melron

  1. tried to parse a non-integer value (150.212.755.985) (Max integer : 2.147.483.647)
  2. I already gave you the fix via skype and you answered me too lol https://gyazo.com/e6e0d318c2610fd78af6699705f51b35
  3. You can use Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR and add 2 instead of Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7 also in SS check you should increase days with your value so .add must be with Calendar.DATE , SiegeManager.getInstance().SiegeEvery() P.s im not sure about this i have different code from you
  4. add messages from doCast until the damages
  5. Maybe but, if a server will born like l2extreme (c4 style with mantras in ER/EF for dusk equipments) i will play :) because the craft they had was not boring ... you know craft doesn't mean collect 13 different materials and for each one farm 1 hour, then press create :P
  6. Guys what are you talking about? bot? : antibot.... craft in pvp? Modify it with something different.... Craft server is loved by ppl who playing only low rates so if you want to give them a chance to play with craft you dont have to put AM with the same materials as the retail one got... You can add as example (in pvp server) craft with enchant ... add a chance like 6% in every success enchant to be enchanted 1 till 14 for example... or something else .. make craft enjoyable for them
  7. u posted another code. on which one is the problem? what's the first code?
  8. its different than frozen's code ... check this public void refreshExpertisePenalty() { if (!Config.EXPERTISE_PENALTY) return; // This code works on principle that first 1-5 levels of penalty is for weapon and 6-10levels are for armor int intensityW = 0; // Default value int intensityA = 5; // Default value. int intensity = 0; // Level of grade penalty. for (final L2ItemInstance item : getInventory().getItems()) { if (item != null && item.isEquipped()) // Checks if items equipped { final int crystaltype = item.getItem().getCrystalType(); // Gets grade of item // Checks if item crystal levels is above character levels and also if last penalty for weapon was lower. if (crystaltype > getExpertiseIndex() && item.isWeapon() && crystaltype > intensityW) { intensityW = crystaltype - getExpertiseIndex(); } // Checks if equiped armor, accesories are above character level and adds each armor penalty. if (crystaltype > getExpertiseIndex() && !item.isWeapon()) { intensityA += crystaltype - getExpertiseIndex(); } } } if (intensityA == 5)// Means that there isn't armor penalty. { intensity = intensityW; } else { intensity = intensityW + intensityA; } // Checks if penalty is above maximum and sets it to maximum. if (intensity > 10) { intensity = 10; } if (getExpertisePenalty() != intensity) { int penalties = _masteryPenalty + _masteryWeapPenalty + intensity; if (penalties > 10) // Checks if penalties are out of bounds for skill level on XML { penalties = 10; } _expertisePenalty = intensity; if (penalties > 0) { super.addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4267, intensity)); sendSkillList(); } else { super.removeSkill(getKnownSkill(4267)); sendSkillList(); _expertisePenalty = 0; } } }
  9. You have to add the command in xml/adminCommands.xml
  10. Its a bad idea to turn boss zone into arena you will lose all your restrictions that boss zone have. You should just give pvpflag when the player is entering in this zone and keep it until onExit is activate . (add flag in method onEnter in your bosszone)
  11. If im not mistaken you have to move your files in a directory that dont need any permission
  12. I didnt get it. Why are you even here? I thought a report topic must contains the member who report someone and the last post should be from any mod with the result based on the proofs . Yes im doing exactly the same and this is my last post just to explain you how this section should work. Do not ask me something i wont even come again in this post...
  13. The fact that you are spamming in a report topic and this could even make a new report is killing me
  14. ^ this . you can c/p a custom npc and change just the id to check up if your problem is there. Then make 1 by 1 your changes
  15. Yes with multiedit u can send what every u want but with a simple text box you cant , so its true :P but i find it useless.
  16. IYou will be fine with this string but the share is like this. If you want to write more than 1 word it is better to write directly the item name in alt g ... to do thst you have to change the StringTokenizer and add as split another character and not space
  17. Yes this is happening because the bypass have character limit ... so to avoid any issue it is better to search with one single word :)
  18. You have transfer your pack and your database. Download and install all necessary programs (mysql etc) . Windows : You will have easier usage ( i prefer it) Linux: you will have better performance i will suggest you windows because why to mess with linux? :P Ofc if you are planning to open a server with 1k+ linux will be better... All in one. Linux is better than windows but with windows you will make your life easier...
  19. Y i know that , in interlude you have to write exactly the name of the item to find the id... ><
  20. Its working but its a faster way to find id's... Do you think it is faster for example to write Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S) instead of 'enchant' ? :p
  21. You want it for frozen or you showing your work ? i didnt get it
  22. Link fixed. Thank you!
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