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Everything posted by melron

  1. No id must be the skill id. And i'm asking again :P Are you sure that your buff is the Physical mirror? If yes post the whole code useitem in
  2. Edit: now i saw u wrote it. I dont know why it is not working... Did any of these if passed? Edit: Are you sure about the ID 350 ? :p
  3. ShowServerNews -> server.properties
  4. if (activeChar.isDonator() { activeChar.sendMessage("You are already a donator.You cannot use that item."); return; +}
  5. i guess so... try to edit it with announceToPlayer("The siege of " + getCastle().getName() + " has finished!", false); LOGGER.info("[SIEGE] The siege of " + getCastle().getName() + " has finished! " + fmt.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))); if (getCastle().getOwnerId() <= 0) { announceToPlayer("The siege of " + getCastle().getName() + " has ended in a draw.", false); LOGGER.info("[SIEGE] The siege of " + getCastle().getName() + " has ended in a draw. " + fmt.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))); } +else +{ + L2Clan clan = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(getCastle().getOwnerId()); + clan.getWarehouse().addItem("SiegeReward", 57, 8000, clan.getLeader().getPlayerInstance(), null); +}
  6. Find the line where the siege is end and add clan.getWarehouse().addItem("SiegeReward", 57, 8000, clan.getLeader().getPlayerInstance(), null);
  7. UseItem.java in clientpackets if (item.getItem().getBodyPart() == Item.SLOT_L_HAND && item.isEquipped()) for (L2Effect buff : activeChar.getAllEffects()) if (buff.getSkill().getId() == 350) // you can check your buffs here buff.exit();
  8. We are all newbies but in case we have a problem we don't spam and asking for help without giving information about our error this part { if (!BlockList.isBlocked(player, activeChar)) player.sendPacket(cs); } needs to be for (Player player : activeChar.getKnownTypeInRadius(Player.class, 1250)) { if (!BlockList.isBlocked(player, activeChar)) player.sendPacket(cs); } Hope you found your solution. Edit: You are not stupid since you learning as we all do
  9. at l2f.gameserver.network... ??? ???
  10. Welcome to the club then, I would suggest you to start with acis as the way it's working is more simple than frozen. Npcs,Armors,Weaps can be added directly in your pack and not mess with sources. Frozen using navicat for items and npcs too. Generally remember: Npcs: custom_npc table in database for create new npc. Fill the column with your values Put your htmls in your pack/data/html and then depends what instance is your npc //spawn it Items custom_armor , custom_weapon , custom_etcitem in database about new items. you have to create their stats in your pack/data/stats/ what instance is the item Both cases requires client edit like Itemname,weapongrp,etcitem,npcgrp etc
  11. If you could tell us what project you got maybe someone will help you
  12. Posted Today, 07:45 PM Posted Today, 07:55 PM seriously now? We warned you LOL.... Try to understand how the hell is working... 'player' is red so player does not exist at all... 1 line after that you can see 'activeChar' .... replace the damn player to activeChar . Somewhere you should have 2nd Player instance to check the block just LOOk... We all started from 0 bro. But the thing is when you need help for something just post the damn error as detailed as you can ... With that way you will get faster your answer you looking for...
  13. Search for wrong need to vote again just think ppl....
  14. What's wrong with you? You cant even read the damn rules? Edit your post and do not make double triple etc posts , otherwise you will be punished. Another one, You have to print or atleast c/p what the error is saying to help you , we cant smell our nails onTopic: Remove-Add again the code that reborn gave you carefully ....
  15. Maybe you could show us the errors you have.... ?
  16. Well you can edit your constructor and call one method that registering all your commands like registerHandler(new Online()); registerHandler(new Event()); registerHandler(new Some()); registerHandler(new Voiced()); registerHandler(new Commands()); registerHandler(new Here()); to avoid in gameserver all these new lines that contains .getInstance() etc it's clearly about readability :P
  17. Good work my friend. Just one thing. VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance() isn't register all the commands inside?
  18. A few lines before public void doPickupItem(L2Object object) L2ItemInstance target = (L2ItemInstance) object;
  19. inside siege you mean only in the siege area? if yes then your check should be isInsideZone(ZoneId.SIEGE) . otherwise do what reborn said
  20. Or you can c/p IC helmet and change the values...
  21. Open the file named L2Item.java Somewhere add the following method public String getIcon() { return IconTable.getIcon(getItemId()); } now, if you really added the above code you should not have again this error
  22. Dude get real... Reborn12 posted a code. And I'm saying "if you are using this one then you have to replace your error line with my example"
  23. If you are using reborn's example then you have to write IconTable.getIcon(items.getItemId())
  24. Delete all NPC's from your spawnlist and then spawn your customs?
  25. Nothing to worry about. Imagine 10-15 pp's selling buffs in town with 250 ppl online
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