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Everything posted by melron

  1. Yo, Why you don't create your own via java? :P implement your own checks to prevent the bot's moves so with that way you can extend many things if for example you increase the count of the times the bot found in the specific char :P ;)
  2. Wrong section, Even the message is retarded... Search for this message and check what's going on... Since you don't provide us your code you have to fix it by yourself OR post the damn code here...
  3. because of that public double getMovementSpeedMultiplier() { return 0; } public double getAttackSpeedMultiplier() { return 0; } AbstractNpcInfo.java - writeF(_npc.getMovementSpeedMultiplier()); - writeF(_npc.getAttackSpeedMultiplier()); + writeF(_npc.getStat().getMovementSpeedMultiplier()); + writeF(_npc.getStat().getAttackSpeedMultiplier());
  4. Wasn't 500 dont lie. You have to pay more to show you how it's working. But wait, I do not make business with scammers like you, im sorry mate :'(
  5. The guy said that he bought from you the effect and when he asked your support about how to add it u asked 30 more euro. How you calling this?
  6. True but, Dont quote again someone who will call you scammer if you are working like this...
  7. [16:53:27] kamex: The connection cost 30 euro Did you say something? Do you really realize what are you doing? Do you? 50 fucking E for this thing?
  8. Post some pictures about what are you selling, Write interesting things about your features you want to sell, upload one video that contains all your work, write a price- Done
  9. If this topic contains a kind of price for this project then its illegal . but as far as i know the topic was junked before some months (because he had premium users that they can get updated revisions. If you mean this as 'sell') , the forum is still active.
  10. I guess so... Your post must provide informations and much better screenshots or even better videos with the object you are selling . Good luck!
  11. Selling pack and selling services for the specific pack (features NPC's etc) have difference.... Edit your post with the proper details
  12. He is not the first one and ofc not he last one.. but as the project he is using have some rules the topic probably will be deleted. Outside of this forum or applications like Skype etc he can do what ever he want since no-one can check him...
  13. Using aCis, you accept the following: You can't sell aCis pack, customized or not. .... ... .....
  14. Well you remind me l2 extreme 2006.. Find a way to tell in your server's owner that you need all your statistics (pvps,pks etc from the banned character) to be in your new character. If you stand lucky and the owner is lazy and he will agree ofc, probably the transfer will be copy/paste of your banned character column to your new character with the only changes the access level and the name. The important thing is the object id. If you will get your lost object id then automatically you will get back all your items. Think carefully your reason :P
  15. Even if you find the sources you looking for and make your changes , you will get different core than the core you expecting because probably will be clean sources . That means all the features you have right know will be replaced... Except if your server is clean too
  16. Do not double post man ... Post your _init_.py
  17. Δες στα configs σου . Λογικά θα έχεις κάτι σαν safeMaxFull . Αλλιώς κάτι έχεις πειράξει στα source σου
  18. Can you explain for what bug are you talking about? Also what rev you are using?
  19. Check this
  20. Well to do that you have to add manually all the diffs from 340 .. 360 which is huge amount of wasting time. it is better to save all your custom mods and add them after you got your 360 completed
  21. Thats why you have to deal with your requester half money before you start working
  22. show getRandom() method
  23. I think this topic must be locked as it is attract retards. :jew:
  24. Post your html that contains the button you are pressing Post the whole file L2Buffer.java Add your posts into content. read 1.2.3
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