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Everything posted by melron

  1. Θα στο κανω πιο αναλυτικα :P βαλε ακριβως αυτα: if (Config.ANNOUNCE_CASTLE_LORDS) { notifyCastleOwner(activeChar); } if (Config.ANNOUNCE_HEROES) if (activeChar.isHero()) Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("Hero "+activeChar.getName()+" has been logged in."); μετα βαλε: private void notifyCastleOwner(Player activeChar) { L2Clan clan = activeChar.getClan(); if (clan != null) { if (clan.hasCastle()) { Castle castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleById(clan.getClanId()); if ((castle != null) && (activeChar.getObjectId() == clan.getLeaderId())) Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("Lord " + activeChar.getName() + " Of " + castle.getName() + " Castle is now online!"); } } } Και απλα φτιαξε ενα Config.ANNOUNCE_HEROES
  2. Μαλον εσυ δεν εχεις καταλαβει :P Θελεις 2 features . announce clan lord kai announce hero on LOGIN Οποτε Καλα εκανες και εβαλες ενα IF που βλεπει το Config.ANNOUNCE_CASTLE_LORDS αν ειναι true για να κανει announce τους lords. Αν εσυ θελεις οι απλοι heroes να γινονται announce δεν θα πας να το βαλεις μεσα στο IF για τους castle lords... Το καταλαβες τι εννοω? το : private void notifyCastleOwner(Player activeChar) θα δουλεψει αν το Config.ANNOUNCE_CASTLE_LORDS ειναι true. Αν ειναι False και εσυ εχεις βαλει τους heroes τοτε τι?
  3. if (Config.ANNOUNCE_CASTLE_LORDS) { αν εχεις μεσα εκει το announce για τους heroes και το config αυτο το βαλεις false , τοτε δεν θα γινει announce... βαλτο εκτος αυτης της συνθηκης
  4. για το announce των heroes θα πρεπει να το βαλεις στο αρχειο Enterworld.java σε ξεχωριστο if (αν εχεις config για heroes announce)
  5. Στο 367 η μέθοδος clan.hasCastle() ειναι τύπου Boolean. Οπότε το check σου ειναι -> if (clan.hasCastle()) Δες τι όρισμα πρέπει να βάλεις εδω CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleById(Integer (δηλαδη το ID της clan)) Announcements... if (clan != null) { if (clan.hasCastle()) { Castle castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleById(clan.getClanId()); if ((castle != null) && (activeChar.getObjectId() == clan.getLeaderId())) Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("Lord " + activeChar.getName() + " Of " + castle.getName() + " Castle is now online!"); } }
  6. Something interesting happened here! :not bad:
  7. Dude, im sorry but... Its easier to set the new exp in the Level array instead of open a program set the value click a button go to the folder open the file copy the index open Experience.java paste -> compile. Make something usefull and not any idea that you thinking
  8. // Check if the autoLoot mode is active if ((isRaid() && Config.AUTO_LOOT_RAID) || (!isRaid() && Config.AUTO_LOOT)) player.doAutoLoot(this, item); // Give this or these Item(s) to the L2PcInstance that has killed the L2Attackable else { if (item.getId() == 57) player.addAdena("Loot", item.getValue(), player, true); else dropItem(player, item); } ?
  9. What ideas you expect since you dont tell us whats the plan of your server? lol...
  10. So you have a server with 4 features ? Server is interlude x1000 Is not based on votes We have many bosses and pt zones that i focus on this enchant < 90% and you want ideas? srsly now?
  11. You are asking for a ready code or for help? p.s explain it better.. lol
  12. im not using too (Google answered not me :P)
  13. no you have to declare a new int and save it inside.. Python doesnt accept int,string etc so (my opinion) is :
  14. Typecast in python: To convert from a numeric type to a string: number = 2 word = str(number ) To convert from a string type to an int: test = "test" number = int(test )
  15. Did python accept type casting?
  16. just delete the token that u saving (the value of the coins) and edit the count in the next check (destroy item) with itecount your count Then, change your html bypass by removing the last value (should be $something) and in your custom bypass if you have check for counting the tokens remove them by one or try to understand your code
  17. create one more -> else if (_command.startsWith("pvpTeleport")) and inside of this bypass write your teleport method' then your bypass <button value=\"PvP Zone\" action=\"bypass -h voice .telsolozone\" should be <button value=\"PvP Zone\" action=\"bypass -h pvpTeleport\"
  18. 10 years ago we had a few "hacks" or we just didnt care about this.. we played many servers with bugs inside but we didnt care :P now everyone is looking for the best source files / pack to open a server. But if u search in any l2 advertise site , 80% of the servers that are listed are with these crappy shitty packs :D
  19. Even frozen < 1004 rev can be as pack in a live server ... No one is perfect. you just pick one and fix what you need and you are done. Everyone doing this because .. why not ? :P
  20. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=specified+VM+install+not+found%3A+type+Standard+VM
  21. @Pirama [gr] nai entaksei gia ta upoloipa mporeis na valeis return apla den ton enoiazei afto gia ta title ktlp apo oti eipe.. to movement kai to target skalwne anyway sto thema teleport exei thema to frozen. Parafta me ton threadpool pou tou edwsa doulevei edit: me return tou to eixa dwsei gia ton logo pou eipes apla to return den tha eftiaxne to provlhma tou
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