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Ugleethyn last won the day on October 8 2021

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About Ugleethyn

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    Discord : Ugleethyn#3546

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  1. lol thought that guy was professional.. Not good for his sales hope he will make amends
  2. Still wondering? :D
  3. L2j Exalta is based on aCis
  4. too fast and friendly! Recommend for sure!!!
  5. Skilled and smart person without overprices ! Good luck with your sales mate
  6. Experience the best of Lineage 2 on L2 Exalta, a server that brings you the authentic retail gameplay you've been craving. Our Interlude client-based server is meticulously designed to provide an immersive and balanced experience that stays true to the original game. L2 Exalta stands out from the rest by offering a unique feature: it is a server that is not focused on crafting. We understand that some players prefer to focus on other aspects of the game, and our server is tailored to provide a seamless experience without the emphasis on crafting. Enjoy enticing server stats, including rates of x50 for experience, x200 for skill points, and x200 for adena, ensuring steady progression and a thrilling adventure. We pride ourselves on maintaining retail items and retail farm items, including adena and ancient adena, to create an authentic and familiar gaming environment. Join our vibrant community on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092629147488 and connect with fellow adventurers. Share strategies, stay updated with the latest news, and forge lasting friendships. For real-time communication and coordination, our dedicated Discord server at https://discord.gg/nayhtZ7v8J provides a platform to engage with like-minded players, form alliances, and plan epic battles. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to delve into the world of Lineage 2 on L2 Exalta. Join us now and embark on an unforgettable journey filled with challenges, camaraderie, and the exhilaration of conquering the realm. Experience Lineage 2 the way it was meant to be played, without the emphasis on crafting! LINEAGE 2 EXALTA BASIC INFORMATION & RATES RATES Experiece : x50 Skill Points : x200 Adena : x200 Drop : x1 Spoil : x1 Epic Bosses : x1 BASIC INFORMATION Sub Classes : Adena Noblesse Quest : Barakiel Change Class: Free Buff Slots : 30+4 Skills: Auto learning Equipment : Armor / Weapons / Jewels Olympiad Period: 2 weeks Skills : Interlude ENCHANT RATES Weapon Enchant Rate : 65% and dropping Armor Enchant Rate : 65% and dropping Jewels Enchant Rate : 65% and dropping Weapon Max Enchant : 25 Armor Max Enchant : 20 Jewels Max Enchant : 20 Weapon Safe Enchant : 3 Armor Safe Enchant : 3 Jewels Safe Enchant : 3 AUGMENT RATES Augment Skills : Active Or Passive Life Stones : 1% Mid Grade Life Stone : 2% High Grade Life Stone: 3% Top Grade Life Stone : 5% BETA OPENING 17/06/2023 20:00 GMT +3 GRAND OPENING 24/06/2023 20:00 GMT +3 WEBSITE
  7. As the title says. I'm looking for a client dev to work on several changes. Including interface.u file Payment method paypal, revolut, bank transfer. add me on discord Ugleethyn#3546 Thank you!
  8. Tried to achieve the same goal today, I did it with the following line of code but it has a critical issue. activeChar.getParty().getMembers().forEach(member -> member.setTeam(Team.BLUE)); The issue is that the effect is visible for everyone and not only for the party members or the guy that did the request (prefer the second one to be honest). Do you guys can think any solution about that? Thank you!
  9. Hello everyone, as the title says I am looking for a client developer. That I want to achieve is 3 working skill bars on C4 Client like the pic below. Pm he here or discord : Ugleethyn#3546
  10. The main problem is that C4 does not have debuff option to see party buffs
  11. LF C4 patch that shows noblesse and curses at the party like the following image https://prnt.sc/ZNp0kWPA6mrB
  12. What the HECK the client has to do with the back end languages? Client does what the back end language says him to say! You can say that the developers are idiots or I don't know but STOP refer to something as "l2J" the J at the end has NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT THE SERVER! replace 'l2j' with 'L2 Made by stupid developers' or I don't know....
  13. By lombok you can easily avoid to create getters/setter/toString/constructors with just an @ https://prnt.sc/yHaX1bGgq6Zi Jar -> https://projectlombok.org/download Maven -> https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.projectlombok/lombok What is Lombok and how to use it -> https://projectlombok.org
  14. Yeah but they can't understand that it is on the developer it has nothing to do with Java.. I have no idea how a whole programming language get bad reputation on this community because of bad devs and uncompleted jobs
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