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Everything posted by StinkyMadness

  1. So i give you 50e to take all that shared and rip the instance for an pride like server without bugs and ready to go.. basicly i give you 100 xD please peoples be realistic..
  2. If you are Customer on aCis forum then you can find that on Custom Shares, but I think you just leech the 382 because if you was customer you should had 383rev
  3. rework the int getPrice() of item return to 0 and then go to serverpackages and make show 0 adena.
  4. so you did it wrong int row = 0; for (int skillId : skills) { String skill_icon = (skillId == 4699 || skillId == 4700 ? "icon.skill1331" : skillId == 4702 || skillId == 4703 ? "icon.skill1332" : skillId < 100 ? "icon.skill00" + skillId : skillId < 1000 ? "icon.skill0" + skillId : "icon.skill" + skillId); sb.append(((row % 2) == 0 ? "<table width=296 bgcolor=000000><tr>" : "<table width=296><tr>")); sb.append("<td width=44 height=41 align=center><table bgcolor=999999 cellpadding=\"6\" cellspacing=\"-5\"><tr><td>"); sb.append("<button action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_dobuff " + groupType + " " + skillId + " " + page + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"" + skill_icon + "\" fore=\"" + skill_icon + "\">"); sb.append("</td></tr></table></td>"); sb.append("<td width=256>" + SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, 1).getName() + "<br1>"); sb.append("<font color=B09878>" + BufferManager.getInstance().getAvailableBuff(skillId).getDescription() + "</font></td>"); sb.append("</tr></table><img src=L2UI.SquareGray width=296 height=1>"); row++; }
  5. WOW that's to deep xD just: String skill_icon = (skillId == 4699 || skillId == 4700 ? "icon.skill1331" : skillId == 4702 || skillId == 4703 ? "icon.skill1332" : skillId < 100 ? "icon.skill00" + skillId : skillId < 1000 ? "icon.skill0" + skillId : "icon.skill" + skillId);
  6. Buff id its not same as the Summon icon in client..
  7. Have you search already on google or on MaxCheaters and you did not found something like that ?
  8. I never said he is bad on something.. he have the biggest EGO i have seen in my life because he know to coding from 1950, that don't mean the others can't. That's what i'm telling there. You see he is trying to prove something that he can't understand its wrong, the "first" its not always the "best", so he can't say "StinkyMadness try to be an developer" while on my service topic i have 100 positive comments about my skill and he have 3 from a friend because every deal he is making its going weird. BTW, i had never seen something shared or any tutorial from Kara... (You never know what name he had back then...) but i mean i don't remember something with his names "Access Denied or Kara or VRay".. i'm sorry @V-Ray i do not learn from your tutorials. To be honest my skill become from reading Shares then reading sources itself and then asking friendly developers on private like (Tryskell, SweeTs, RootWare, etc) that's why i support the aCis. I'm sorry for you that you feed the "dad" of the forum and feeling popular but i hear about you first time 2-3 years ago when you sell an uncompleted RandomZoneChanger to L2Liquid server for 50e and the code had bugs (you name was AccessDenied back then. Cheers
  9. @Maxtor give him the administrating of the forum, he feels GOD, he deserve it. Nobody can go against him, he is the most professional developer around this forum. All the others are Zero and Trashy without him.. taste it. Face the truth. "Without me you're trash" hahahaha.. hahahahhahah giveup the Developing and start StandUp. PS: I have proofs from 3 skypes that message me that you sell them broken or something that exist in another source but will not post when they don't wanted to report you for that.. they told me not worth when you are create over and over again account.
  10. Keep change your names to hide from peoples that you have not complete the deal, and you know what. Next time don't sell L2Sunrise CB to somebody for 200e and tell him "contact with StinkyMadness he will rework your HTML for 5e" xD Cheers
  11. Even StinkyMadness, thank you, i know only you are allowed to be developer but sorry. And yes i'm, i'm because i like my old time of game play (back c3-c6) and you are because you are greedy of money. That's the difference of us. Also sorry for bothering with you i know you are an spammer/selfish person, but trust me i will never give you attention again, so please do me a favor and don't talk about my name again, its my first account name and its clean for year.. thanks you.
  12. One fact for aCis, yes its not ready for live server even for PvP you need to rework/fix things.. BUT... Check any other project changeset : "Rev 5435 : Added .menu (stop xp,block trade,blablabla) and that is a whole revision. and then go check the aCis changeset that 1 revision contain 1-3 months of working and testing and checking with proofs if its off-like thing. Also aCis its never make "HOTFIX" its not looking the tree but the forest.. Tsk will not remake/rework/fix Castle Guards when he already plan to rework whole the SpawnSystem. And when the new Movement System will be ready tell your other projects owners come and leach it for the 10e that you cry on this drama topic.
  13. Your HTML's need design :D good luck with that sales
  14. Don’t lie, I test both they had more casual bugs xD one of that two project had broken enchant system.. +0 and +65535 had same stats xD
  15. This is Interlude but you can read the code and maybe you will find what you need.
  16. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <list maintainEnchantment="true"> <item><!-- Dark Legion's Edge --> <production id="2500" count="1" enchantmentLevel="7"/> <ingredient id="57" count="100"/> </item> </list> Test this one and let us know.
  17. Only ready mods for now.. i serve in military right now so..
  18. Emm how about English on English section?
  19. World.announceToOnlinePlayers("TvT Event: Reward "+reward.getId() +","+reward.getValue(), true); I don't think players care about the ID of reward items but for the Name :D
  20. Αν έχεις source θα χρειαστεί να πας στο UseItem.java και να βάλεις τα κατάλληλα checks. //Edit net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.clientpackets.UseItem.java
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