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SQL Developer

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Everything posted by SQL Developer

  1. Maybe someone reported you, otherwise it just happened. As i found out there are PvP videos on Youtube that removed because of Innova Co. Copyright breach.
  2. The email you received is real. Based on a small research that i did this company did the same on many other server owners and even players for Copyright breach. Good luck
  3. A 30min video dedicated to l2? seems interesting i will check it out
  4. Κινητάρα, αν βγεί με τα παραπάνω χαρακτηριστικά σίγουρα θα είναι ο αντικαταστάτης του S8+ που έχω αυτή την στιγμή
  5. Hello there!, Download Adobe CC 2017 (trial), make login to your adobe account, install trial version and before open the program just replace amtlib.dll with the cracked version of it that you can find easily on Google
  6. OFF-TOPIC admin - insomnia promotion topics (spam) Banners - Ads RMT Lineage Servers Lineage Development
  7. wannabe mod?
  8. BTW i once received permanent ban on Leage of Legends for 3d party program usage because i had L2 client open while i was playing LOL. I dont know if anyone else had the same experience P.S Sadly after many tickets and hours of chatting with LOL support team they could not remove my ban but they confirmed me that i was caused by L2 antibot protection
  9. Such a lovely presentation, amazing!
  10. Hello, i would like to report the user @Raws for downvote abuse. He is downvote randomly topics everyday, i would like to request my reputation back. Also if you will check this user profile he is only cause drama and he is trying to spread bad reputation for every live project. Thanks in advance, George
  11. And what is your personal problem with that? did this server shaked your physical balance ? Go play somewhere else if you dont like this server and stop cry to this topic
  12. As player of the server i can guarantee you that it is not dead, all basic farm spots have people, giran shop is full, on gathering event lot of players came, there is pvp (most important) and trust me on prime hours while bosses are spawning its pvp chaos. Please speak with facts.
  13. Server is online without lags, nice nice!
  14. L2Remorse.com Grand Opening today 13/09

  15. Always trusting this project, it provide the best gameplay quality around with a great GM team! What a great news, today is the opening
  16. Here we go again, Good luck i guess
  17. Hello, As admin told server BETA running in "first version" since most of the custom changes or the configurations didnt applied yet. There is a Private Beta which players testing lot of things and there is daily feedback and support about that. You can check more on server Discord channel, also Remorse (Admin) told that the Beta will be updated in 3 days. So i guess if you want to experience the real open beta you must wait 3-5 days.
  18. Amazing work as always! Never played Classic before but its the best chance since its mid rate, cant wait for the opening!
  19. Already many clans participate the sieges!, server still on PVE mode and soon the war chapter (3) will start! Right now the max level is 75! enjoy.
  20. Today server went on Chapter 2 (max level 75) with new content, A healthy server without bots - rmt. This is the real deal of 2019, for real, no bots!
  21. L2Remorse L2OFF IL x3 www.l2remorse.com still one chapter 1 (max lvl 60) JOIN TODAY!

  22. Some feedback less than a month of online, Server grow and activity increase day by day it worth to join, also the server still on chapter 1 for 6 more days that means max level is 60! Totally worth!
  23. 5 clans was on AQ - Also many clans that we know not came because it was too late. Server still on Chapter 1 (max level 60) and many new players join everyday, it may be your chance!
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