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SQL Developer

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Everything posted by SQL Developer

  1. O tropos sundesis pou xroishmopoio egw einai o eksis, mesa sthn selida php vazo ena define : " require_once 'dbconnect.php'; " to opoio periexei ta stoixeia ths sundesis: <?php error_reporting( ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_NOTICE ); define('DBHOST', 'localhost'); // xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx:3306 (x is ip // 3306 is the port) define('DBUSER', 'root'); define('DBPASS', ''); define('DBNAME', 'l2jdb'); $conn = mysql_connect(DBHOST,DBUSER,DBPASS); $dbcon = mysql_select_db(DBNAME); if ( !$conn ) { //check.if connection fail die("Connection failed : " . mysql_error()); } if ( !$dbcon ) { //check.if connection fail die("Database Connection failed : " . mysql_error()); }
  2. Kalhspera file mou ,mporeis na kaneis post to script pou kaneis sundesh thn istoselida me thn vasi? (xoris ta pragmatika stoixeia ennweite)
  3. Hey check the link below:
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/213647-l2jphp-multifunction-form/?do=findComment&comment=2628754
  5. There is exist any Interlude client with better graphics?
  6. Hello,there is anyone who got all the lineage 2 items images or any source to get them? It's Google bad day , thanks
  7. http://depmax64.com/en/services/lst they are selling ingame donation system you can talk with them,as i can see the price is 230$
  8. TCP 12975 (initiator port) TCP 32976 (session port)
  9. Hello, Put mysql port after the ddns " :3306 "
  10. Hello Shadin, all remote access programs using ports,so if the ports is blocked you cant
  11. Find the Grade penalty mastery on passive skills and change the level that you get the skill, make D,C,B level 1
  12. Somewhere the code gets the value of the npc,just delete this input value and put * 20 * for example
  13. You can create a new variable into the source to calculate the table value (seconds) with * / 60 * so the variable will get the minutes,then send the variable value to the npc dialog
  14. Hello this is really cool good luck with sales !!
  15. .Elfocrash you told that "this is not my opinion,is fact." ... and is not about that,is about that you are trying to make a negative reputation about my product that i am selling, *IF ANYONE WANT TO BURN HIS MONEY PM ME AND I WILL HELP THEM ABOUT HOW TO GET THIS PRODUCT FOR FREE* you can simple say "bad product for this amount of money" or "i dont suggest it" but you are a rude guy !
  16. Hello i would like to report .Elfocrash Request topic clean,thanks http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/213647-php-registerchange-pswregister-email-to-existed-accountforget-psw-form/
  17. Thanks for your opinion :) -Price is still the same
  18. Hello and thank you for the positive comment ! :) Hello,what price do you suggest?
  19. Multi Function Form Sign up | Register email to existed account | Change email | Forgot password | Change password Informations about the form,below: How it works: #Sign up: 1) When a new member is register the form automatically searching for the username so if a username already exists he cant register with this username 2) Password encryption way is the same with Lineage 2 so when a member registers the password will automatically encrypt to the necessary crypt code into the database of your server (so he can login normal after the registration into the game). #Register Email / Change Email: 1) If the username already exists and the password is for this username it change or add the user email into the user database raw (user email),with this way user can add a new email into his account or change the existed one. #Forgot password: 1)User can simply add his username and email into the form and press send my password(this will done with all the necessary checks, for example if the email is for this user) and automatically we are creating a new password for the user and he will receive it into his email (this new password is 100% random and database will automatically update password area with the new random password *with encrypted way*). #Change password: 1) The form got all the necessary checks for username, email and passwords (new and old) so its 100% secure. SO THE FORM GOT ALL THE NECESSARY CHECKS TO MAXIMIZE THE DATABASE AND USER SECURITY . #FORM FEATURES: When a player register,change password,change email,lost password etc will get email with detailed information about that. I will provide 100% support to the buyers about how to set-up the form and connect it with the database. Form price is 30 € *Form php,css,html,js coding is 100% handwritten by me and i can do what ever change you gonna need* After all the form is pure inputs and buttons,so it can added into an existed website template (with the necessary form area) and add the php code with the right id's and names and it will works normal. If you have any other question you can contact with me throw pm (maxcheaters) Some words about the project: I am developing a full php control panel for users that they can Donate-set shop inside the game from the control panel and 'rich' Index areas so Admins can put news. When i will finish each part developing [form(1) - donate pane(2) - players function control panel for ingame actions (like set offline shop *or normal) (3)] I will add more products. As i told before, I will give you guidance about how to set this form into your webserver and connect it into your dedicated database Best regards, SQL Developer
  20. Do you mean "alt" + "2" ?
  21. Hello,it is possible to change the lineage 2 interlude client map ? If yes... 1.What is the resolution that i must use? 2.How can i change the map?
  22. Καλησπέρα κύριοι,φτιάχνω μια ιστοσελίδα σε php με register form αλλά αντιμετωπίζω ενα πρόβλημα με την κρυπτογράφηση στην βάση του server Ο σέρβερ έχει δικό του σύστημα κρυπτογράφησης -αποκρυπτογράφησης .. όταν κάνεις register στο form στην βάση αποθηκέυετε ο κανονικός κωδικός αλλα μετά ο σέρβερ αποκρυπτογράφη τον κανονικό κωδικό με αποτέλεσμα να μην μπορείς να μπείς, .. στο php τι τρόπο κρυπτογράφησης να βάλω? ΤΟ ΒΡΗΚΑ , Η ΛΥΣΗ ΕΊΝΑΙ base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1(utf8_encode($_POST["password"]))))
  23. I suggest you to play: Mage class: Sorceror(because you got very strong aoe skills) How to play sorceror: You must find a place with group mobs (3-5 together),sorcer got range aoe skill that is very strong,so you start with range aoe skill (x2 times, *hit run*hit run) the mobs supposed to have allways like 50-60% life,then you go near them and do aura flash and one more aoe skill that sorceror got (sorry i dont remember the skills name but in total they are 3 *1 range and 2 no range*) The best place for level 55-66 is frozen labyrinth (you can get also quest for amazing mats like steel and cbp that will bring you really good money) Fighter class for solo farm is:Dark avenger,dark avenger is very strong because of the pet,pet can solo mobs so you got much time for the pick ups(dark elf knight is good as well) The most op class at least on interlude is Destroyer for trains (mass farm) this is my suggestions if you need fast level and good farm as well (i didnt suggest spoiler coz spoiler is just a farm tool and not a class to continue the gameplay)
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