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SQL Developer

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Everything posted by SQL Developer

  1. Server is amazing! much fun and still growing. Its on Chapter 1 so max level 60, you can join now!
  2. Sorry but you guys losing the point of this project, This project have nothing to do with the servers that i played until now. 1. The is no bot, for real! 2. The is no p2w or unfair donations, not runes or items that you can make adena with. 3. Have a great community. 4. Have a support that's 20/7 online and help with everything. 5. No clans that get paid and after 1 months leave. *In the picture below you dont see some players that get paid to play, this is the first wave of Remorse and trust me all those dudes will stay till the end, they are not a clan that when you stop the food supply looking for other server. .. I can name 10 more reasons but i highly recommend you to join the server and find them yourself! @AchYlek @AlmostGood @d4rknessqq We have a clan with 20-30 players and we recruit, if you will ever stop the servers that PAYS you drop me a pm, you will enjoy your stay on Remorse!
  3. Some feedback, server seems amazing me and my clan mates (30 people) playing here daily and we see many other clans - cps that working hard! Features are great, support is great, until now at least no corruption and everything going smoothly. About the shops its true that there are not many but its because of no bot! Yes you understand right ,no bots!!! I highly recommend this server!
  4. www.l2remorse.com L2OFF interlude x3 - balanced - antibot and many new and unique features. It will open today!
  5. Ready for action!, some hours left!
  6. Cant wait for the opening .. 0 days and 22:56:4
  7. 12/04/2019 Grand Opening L2OFF X3 www.l2remorse.com

  8. Ξέρατε πως ο Φατσέας παίζει σε σειρά του Netflix? :D https://thumbs.gfycat.com/KeenPrestigiousAmericanmarten-mobile.mp4
  9. Haters gonna hate i guess, and spammers gonna spam. Those people are the cancer of this community, they will try to find even the smallest detail just to have a "reason" to spam on your topic no matter if its a detail about features or about bots, corruption, website is not good, fake forum count, clans get payed by admins, fake players (phantom), fake online. On-topic, 9 days left for the opening that we are waiting for! 1 weeks, 2 days and 9:51:2
  10. Why you guys discuss so much about all the server and the admins? Being admin of a server is business, even if it is corrupted or not. If you have good ROI then you are a successful businessman. If you don't like this god damn game and you think it is corrupted or full of bots, stop cry and play something else. You are not players, you are not developers, you are not owners. You are just babies that crying on a forum about how strong your enemies are because they use bot or the admin gave them items. Accept the facts, stop spam, download game and play or just leave and play something else for god shake.
  11. @AchYlek The anti-bot protection is not working on BETA as admin announced already. Thank you have a nice day.. @miscer7 I guess by "bots" you mean those players who will play the server and want to support it? like as i do?
  12. No time to explain .. join www.l2remorse.com

  13. Some sort feedback after the BETA, I am sure this server will provide a very unique game experience on casual or competitive players and i like the fact that already many clans registered on the server forum, its nice to see competition! This server have very good and unique features, mostly all of the "custom" changes are based on players requests. Good luck, 9 days left! 1 week, 2 days and 9:56:41
  14. I can't resist, please tell me who made this amazing promo video.
  15. Yes its a great project! i cant wait 4 days to try out the BETA!
  16. This guy @SkyLord should be reported for spam, he is spamming on all server posts just to advertise his server with his banner. @Designatix Just check his post activity, spamming on all server posts .. https://maxcheaters.com/profile/131109-skylord/content/?type=forums_topic_post&change_section=1
  17. Hello dear friend, This server seems amazing, I already informed my ex cps about this project because we are always looking for good low rate servers to stay. I always play l2off low rate interlude servers so here are some suggestions 1. Minimize the epic windows as much as you can (i saw on features that its +-2 but think about +-1). 2. Be sure to check Pagan temple mobs stats (mostly those who drops mats for S weapons) because on many l2off servers they are very OP and you can't even touch them. 3. Check the Baium maximum death time, because some trollers were waking Baium and stayed Baium for hours and we were outside waiting for so long. 4. Many new clans (always) join after the server start while clan halls are not available because many boxes, or clans that not playing anymore own them, this is a very bad thing for the community, I don't have any suggestion about this "issue" but keep that in mind because its a bit important. 5. Anti-buff shield? it's the biggest issue on LOW - PVP servers. Those were the most common "issues" that came in my mind. I am wishing the best for the server (i will join 100%)
  18. I made something with Photoshop timeline, if you have any better suggestion feel free to pm or reply here thanks!
  19. Hello, because i have no idea how to make it, Can someone help me out about how i can do it? I want to make a "smooth" gif - animation for a logo that starts with "</>" Then the < become the V on the logo, the slash / the underline and the > the A on the logo *Underline is not a must, if someone have a better idea please let me know because i dont like the underline much Thank you in advance !!
  20. Σας ευχαριστώ όλους για τις απόψεις και τις συμβουλές σας @bravetobe @Elfocrash @Kara` @`NeverMore
  21. Ευχαριστώ, κανονίστηκε με western union και πιθανόν με αυτόν τον τρόπο θα γίνονται οι μελλοντικές πληρωμές επειδή απο ότι ενημερώθηκα είναι αξιόπιστος τρόπος (ελπίζω να μην έχει μεγάλη προμήθεια). Ευχαριστώ πολύ !
  22. Καλημέρα, όχι δεν έχω κάποια εταιρεία και δεν είμαι ελεύθερος επαγγελματίας Εγώ το βλέπω με την άποψη οτι δεν θα είναι "καθαρό" σε περίπτωση ελέγχου σε μερικά χρόνια να δουν συναλαγές με 10άδες διαφορετικούς καταθέτες του εξωτερικού με αντίστοιχα ποσά των 500+. Εμένα δεν με πειράζει να φορολογηθούν αυτά τα χρήματα και να υπάρξει μια κράτηση ΦΠΑ απλά για τον λόγο ότι έχω 5νθήμερο/8ωρο ένσημα δεν ξέρω κατά πόσο μπορώ να έχω και ταυτόχρονα κάποιο μπλοκ αλλά θα μιλήσω με λογιστή και θα ενημερώσω αυτό το post για να μάθουν όσοι θέλουν να ξέρουν. Παρακαλώ για μια άμεση λύση η μεταφορά σε paypal και σταδιακή μεταφορά απο paypal στην κάρτα μου θα είναι μια εύκαιρη λύση έστω για αυτή την συναλλαγή?
  23. Καλησπέρα, Είχα κάνει ένα post σχετικά με την νομιμοποίηση εσόδων απο το εξωτερικό αλλά τελικά δεν μπόρεσα να βγάλω κάποια άκρη για αυτό λοιπόν έκανα αυτό το post. Έχω μια απλή ερώτηση, Ένας πελάτης θέλει να μου μεταφέρει 800€ απο Αμερική, ποιός είναι ο "καλύτερος" τρόπος να γίνει? Με εκτίμηση.
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