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About MimisK

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  1. Thank you for sharing. PS. Don't forget us, with the older Chronicles.
  2. Something similar happened to me... He never accepted my server and when I asked why it was not accepted, he simply refused to answer. I suspect, because I had a premium on L2Network. PS: Finally ... I never found out.
  3. Thanks @PARADISE. At 99% I have it too ... Everywhere there is chaos from files. :P
  4. You must find and read logs from SQL server. With one quick search... ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED 64 (0x40) The specified network name is no longer available. PS. Btw don't repeat in every post the settings and the logs. You made the post un-readable.
  5. On l2server.ini, you have all others .exe in For AuthD you have: Run from another PC?
  6. I don't think you've installed the databases properly...
  7. Καλησπέρα. Ports έχεις ανοίξει; Σωστή local IP στο l2.ini ? Δώσε παραπάνω ινφο για το σεταπ σου.
  8. Γιατί όχι OVH;;;
  9. Στον system του client
  10. Το .log του client σίγουρα λέει κάτι παραπάνω.
  11. As I know, Master Toma has kept the project private. Now, to have it, it means that he has trusted you. You now share it in the community. This automatic does not make you very trusted. Good luck.
  12. Something more than great work, but ... Why did you choose to work with "old" packages? Bootstrap 3.3.4 and especially why PHP 5.4?
  13. Good evening, in the community. LineageII - Chronicle I - QuestData I want to share with the community an effort I made to "organize" the Quest of Chronicle I. Macros have been created, in a quest that they did not have. Αlso have several bug fixes in htm files. You can see the progress of the project here: QuestData. If someone would like to help, they can send me a message. Many Quests still need testing. Many thanks to Smeli & Master Toma.
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  14. It just the legacy.lineage2.com. You know my love for the old chronicles. Was it possible I did not have it ??? :D
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