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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Seamless Seamless 02/18/2025 Trusted, great services, best prices Vedi Vedi
BruT BruT 02/12/2025 Trusted, Fast, Best prices and Magician in l2j. Vedi Vedi
Katara512 Katara512 03/21/2024 Skilled, Trusted java developer.. I reccomend him DLDL DLDL
Bumble Bumble 02/29/2024 Amazing person, gave an amazing tool to the community. Nisker Nisker
BruT BruT 02/10/2024 He did what I said to him exactly in short time, excellent I reccommend him <3 DLDL DLDL
icondesigns icondesigns 02/06/2024 friendly guy, prof skills Ugleethyn Ugleethyn
Smuggler Smuggler 12/14/2023 Trusted. did mm services for him. Celestine Celestine
BruT BruT 05/03/2023 Professional , would recommend ! Raizo Raizo
BruT BruT 04/11/2023 Very trusted, skilled I recommend his services DLDL DLDL
BruT BruT 03/28/2023 Cool guy! Cheap, Fast, Skilled, Trusted! Good luck with your services! ERROR501 ERROR501
@IcathiaLord @IcathiaLord 12/20/2022 100% trusted and nice work! Thankless Thankless
etc etc 12/19/2022 Was a middleman for someone else that guy instant sent the money trusted & nice totally rec him! Celestine Celestine
Strain Strain 12/19/2022 Experienced Designer and always on time when you need him!!!! Keep it up bro!!!!! You Deserve it :) Destorion Destorion
NevesOma NevesOma 11/01/2022 Skilled, friendly, fast and cheap. Recommended 1000% Ugleethyn Ugleethyn
Kara Kara 08/20/2022 One of Best Develepor!! Trusted and Skilled! VisaGriaunantis VisaGriaunantis
Guytis2 Guytis2 08/12/2022 He is trash :( We feel sorry for him! Kara Kara
MTJ MTJ 06/25/2022 Great customer, serious about transactions. I advise! Psygrammator Psygrammator
Psygrammator Psygrammator 06/24/2022 Best developer I've ever hired. MTJ MTJ
PUFA PUFA 05/23/2022 It's cool when you're not afraid about your money... Fast and smooth Ugleethyn Ugleethyn
Psygrammator Psygrammator 05/20/2022 the best programmer and person, fast and very smooth recommended 10000% !!!!!!!!!! Thomas212212 Thomas212212
Kara Kara 05/16/2022 Bough a very nice voting system for my project. Delivered super fast! Skilled and trusted person (pssst, join discord to get discounts!) Miamistar Miamistar
ShadowNetwork ShadowNetwork 05/10/2022 a great and polite buyer BAN_L2JDev BAN_L2JDev
demzyraggaa demzyraggaa 05/10/2022 Trusted buyer and good person Kara Kara
demzyraggaa demzyraggaa 05/10/2022 First I want to thank all the people who believe in willpower, then this super honest member who will always be my brother. The sale was a success and the support is always done by answering all the doubts and requests made by the user. By BAN - L2JDEV BAN_L2JDev BAN_L2JDev
BAN_L2JDev BAN_L2JDev 05/09/2022 A reliable seller, I made a purchase and received constant help, very nice.... I will continue to update my files and try again with him again. demzyraggaa demzyraggaa

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