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DEV|Supreme last won the day on October 31 2017

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  1. He is probabily* just missing an AF (ActionFailed) packet
  2. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=How+do+we+split+strings+in+java
  3. Nop im not an opportunist, i have just saw the code from my own eyes and moved to the rightful owners. I have also tried to help them making the code way better with their reviews and approvals. Im also part of the main team. Does that makes me a fanboy because my goals were achieved?
  4. I can answer your question in a more clear way to open everyones eyes and yours since I have used your Project back in 2015 and left to L2JUnity in 2016. The reasons were simple: Work on a Project where the "real" team behind all L2J source code foundation were. Where the current version of the game was the one I was working at. Your project had countless bugs and because (as you said) It's using L2JUnity's code on some parts (or even most of it as your project's base). That's why you have these bugs (what the actual fuck would you expect? Off course you would have them) not to mention you might have some new ones based on your patches as some people already told me about it. Anyway, My project is way better than yours and it's private so nobody leachs it (and it's L2JUnity) - which answers your question on who dares to say it (I have basically answered your questions directly why you are not the best project). And No! I do not have your current latest version but i have the latest leeched one so I could enumerate you a few points where you fail hard thinking you have everything figure out and how it should be retail but isn't... With that mindset... Well... You are fucked then mate. You are the one who is not using BOTH of retail videos as a reference and understanding what OFF files actually do and HOW they match these videos.
  5. I don't think that will happen, especially due to versions follow up paths
  6. You seriously have no clue what your talking about :) Haven't even logged and already judging. Suit yourself inside your own ignorance.
  7. it's 100% off ;) Good Luck @pada and the rest of the team.
  8. Mobius tends to reuse code from other Projects since 2016 and after he makes a considerable change he changes author. Other point is: There are alot of issues under Mobius project due to those multiple sources usages in his Project. Think of spaghetti mixed with too much flavours they no longer fit together. Anyway, NO, L2JUnity is built with his own source code (no copy pasta from other projects), from official AI + packets sniffing + plenty of other OFFICIAL data sources, you really have no clue and they really trust on their own Sources rather then other Projects in which are BASE from L2JServer (where they are authors as well? :D) If someone has access on Mobius doesn't mean they are using your code (which i really don't see, but i seen the reverse ;)) Please stop being blind and continuosuly throwing sand to your eyes... PS: This is the fair truth from both Projects. You are free to pick you're choise and im not really against any of them. But please try to know both histories before stating some false facts.
  9. Just because author is not present doesn't mean some Developer hasn't worked on them. But that you probabily know...
  10. Exactly my point but thank you to clarify that for us and im not pissing on you because of that. I know you started syncing it at mid 2016, you did what you had to do, i also know you started as L2JServer based as Ertheia back at 2015 with a simple Classic config and few changes. Just those syncs from Unity made me realize who had a better project and im guessing the syncs still goes on from shared sources. PS: Moving on with the best project statement, you can be that but only with HI5 version currently
  11. You really have no ideia what you're talking about, do some research. Just one fact: L2J (Server) is the base for all other L2J Projects out there And sorry but no Mobius, L2J Mobius is not the best project out there, else i would still be working on Classic with your base from 2015 in which was full of L2JUnity syncs don't you think?
  12. Good Luck @IpotoniC, you diserve it
  13. Official NCSoft Staff from PM (from Innova EU) They call it 2.0 (Saviors / Zaken / Antharas wtv) but for internal understanding between their group they use the 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 to specify the version inside their repo as (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc patch versions for the main 2.0 version) 2.5, 2.8, 3.0 and so on it's from Korean repo
  14. Actually FYI the next after goddard is King of the Spirits then 2.6 is SevenSigns
  15. I dont believe Smartguard or any other shit protection makes file hashing checks. Even all these public shared Updaters wont do checks automatically. They check only when they are executed with lame old 2004 hashes. Overall the correct Information on how I'm able to for example check your changes into some Player's Client is because i have my own application (uPlay) which will check all these file changes from my own Client files. In which my Client will only be able to run from my application ONLY. (I have not enabled that function yet as im having people testing stuff but I have it on the application itself) The concept behind hashing is: You can't bypass a file hashing without having the same bytes in its data. Thats why hash seeds are created as uniques and cant be recovered back to its origin Same way as Cryptocurrencies Transactions hashes you cant have the same if your transaction isnt same So none of them can be overriden as being unique And im talking about you modifying the client with your additions / implementations. You will have to modify the files to accomodate your Interface which can be checked with file hashing / data binary reading if isnt same from the files origin (the first ones added to the client).
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