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new community board toplist style

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common guys, clicking is not needed, who cares for the bottom 200? u maybe want to scroll a bit around 100 to see the area that effects you and if somebody wants to take your position or rank. there's no point to scroll down 10000 times unless you are a maniac


26 minutes ago, Rootware said:

200 players at the same time performing your actions will make your server inaccessible.


Make Top 20 with better design and notification of own position like "Your position is xxx." or "Not ranked.". This is will enough.


And don't forget make all statistic cachable.

 of course not, servers today can handle hundreds of gb traffic without problem. of course the server wont use 5euros vps, but still that wouldn't be a problem... a few mbs of traffic for 200 players looking at your cb is zero overhead in todays standards

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the lines issue will be addressed with a background texture, but still when I share it, i will share only the code not the looks so people can do anything with it. its not limited just to toplist, realtime ranking can do lots of stuff like reward top players every day, events etc

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20 minutes ago, xxdem said:

the lines issue will be addressed with a background texture, but still when I share it, i will share only the code not the looks so people can do anything with it. its not limited just to toplist, realtime ranking can do lots of stuff like reward top players every day, events etc

What's the point of sharing something in 2019? The community is toxic, criticism and people who just "grab and make money".

No worth it.


Oh and let's no forget this AlmostGood trash who sit 10 years in this forum crying for others.

Edited by V-Ray
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3 minutes ago, xxdem said:

but still when I share it

An a .command npc window with pagination is faster (on coding term) and much more effective also do the world a favor and don't lie to make them like this shit you never shared anything you always said "you will".

[GR]τόσα χρόνια εδω μέσα χειρότερη παπαριά σαν αυτή δεν έχω ξανα δεί, κάνε μας την χάρη αυτή τη φορά και μην το κάνεις "share" ...ξέρεις απο αυτά που κάνεις στη φαντασία σου μόνο[/GR]


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whats the difference between "pagination" and this, the developer can make my code jump by 10 or 20 or eve 100 a time, not one by one as I did, this is just a parameter I chose to have as 1. am I talking to developers or players that blame the configuration I chose? 


We are supposed to talk about a realtime zero overhead/latency inmemory ranker that works without db calls, for the whole playerbase that can be parammeteriased with any filter, not the looks of the toplist that i posted just for example.

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and people, lets be real for the last decade most servers use cached static toplists that update every X seconds with probably not real data since PVPs are not committed live on the database if the player is online,  this is what we are addressing here

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42 minutes ago, xxdem said:

common guys, clicking is not needed, who cares for the bottom 200? u maybe want to scroll a bit around 100 to see the area that effects you and if somebody wants to take your position or rank. there's no point to scroll down 10000 times unless you are a maniac


 of course not, servers today can handle hundreds of gb traffic without problem. of course the server wont use 5euros vps, but still that wouldn't be a problem... a few mbs of traffic for 200 players looking at your cb is zero overhead in todays standards


You are right if admin skilled and knows what need to buy from hardware and how the better configure software. But in real life too many season servers based on cheap/medium VPS. And CB it's a little part of many other systems of GS and can produce many lags for other players/subsystems if developer with this features not cares about performance. And don't forget about lags from GC work. 200 ppl can produce enough garbage in heap if developer didn't cares about optimal code.


Generally, modern admin cares only price (cheapes > better) and DDoS protection.

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2 minutes ago, Elfocrash said:

L2BattleRoyale had a toggle for the user to enable the exact same real time update tech for the ingame toplist. It's nothing special and it's very easy to do.


The reason why you don't have a scrolling bar or pagination is because the HTML refresh will make it look even more unresponsive that it is right now since the scroll won't be maintained on each update.


the reason i dont have a scrollbar is that it requires to render all lines on a single request; the cb html will always have to render more lines and theres also the packet limit for showboard, whereas mine feeds a constant of 30 in my case lines per request and is not limited by showboard packet size and can simulate the scrolling of the whole playerbase on virtually a single page.


I dont see a counter argument on changing the configuration to 10 or page_size jumps by the way, why is that?


also, in case you didnt notice, at the bottom of the list you always see your position unless you are within the page limit, this is not possible with the scrollbar in a world where l2 html had no size limit.


finding and rendering the position of your player, even if you are bottom 10k real time and without latency is what makes my ranker unique among others. but again lets not talk on the looks and ux

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because at the end of the day only the ranking code will be shared


btw l2br server never reached any expectations in terms of big db and huge online ammounts, we dont know if what you made is comparable to my ranker

Edited by xxdem
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3 minutes ago, Elfocrash said:

This would be fine as long as the player is the one who chooses this number, not you


Then move it at the top if the player is out of the current index range


You're missing the point. There is nothing special in the ranking code. It's just very basic sorting. The UI looks terrible so I doubt anybody would be interested in that anyway.


if its nothing special then I am keeping it for myself, idk I got excited to have zero latency ranker access with live values. Gives me many ideas for features and felt like sharing. anyway can be locked then

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I also like the minimalistic approach. What I found questionable :

  • The scrollbar, a 25 slots pagination is far less painful at usage for players.
  • The "live" behavior, probably a ressource grinder for almost no benefits (it's not a LoL competition).
  • Your position should be more visible
  • Some improvement room upon what is displayed (title : pointless, icon for class hard to understand,  too much color / gradiant).

It's heavily subject to personal tastes - probably what I find ok, someone else will hate it.

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yea 1 was kinda stupid actually, gonna use a 10 by default, the color is the actual name color the player has at the moment included purple / red while on flag / karma

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