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Santa Claus Event


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Hello members,

I made an event because Christmas is coming


I made it with xml version ( i like it more..)




Here's the video:








Credits for the awesome htmls : @Sinister Smile


What is this event? 


When a mob dies there is a chance to spawn santa boy/girl and get some rewards. I do not think you need more explainations...

Check the xml and set it as you wish! (Rewards are unlimited but one of them will be chosen)


Edit: Coded in acis 372




  • ConcurrentHashMap replace by ArrayList ty @Tryskell
  • Override onSpawn method removed in SantaClaus instance ty @Tryskell
  • Xml reworked (removed id)
  • Fixed html path
  • Fixed 1 bug while storing rewards.
  • Added npc's link
Edited by melron
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Great, and an idea that fits perfect  nice share, keep it up! 


Nice htmls also !


gz for both

Edited by HarryHoudini
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Fail coding, fail event (Waiting for haters who gonna judge each line individually) in 3....2...1.. GO


Ps. gj 

Edited by GamePsychology
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You can store "Rewards" in a regular ArrayList (since you don't even use "id", and you don't concurrently edit it - like any existing XML loading stuff).




Then you can retrieve a SantasReward with following (no need to cast)

return Rnd.get(Rewards);




There is a despawn config, simply feed it on luckySpawn method instead of threadpool schedule the despawn yourself. See code on Quest#addSpawn :


			final Npc npc = spawn.doSpawn(isSummonSpawn);
			if (despawnDelay > 0)


Edited by Tryskell
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4 hours ago, Tryskell said:

You can store "Rewards" in a regular ArrayList (since you don't even use "id", and you don't concurrently edit it - like any existing XML loading stuff).




Then you can retrieve a SantasReward with following (no need to cast)

return Rnd.get(Rewards);




There is a despawn config, simply feed it on luckySpawn method instead of threadpool schedule the despawn yourself. See code on Quest#addSpawn :


			final Npc npc = spawn.doSpawn(isSummonSpawn);
			if (despawnDelay > 0)


Well i do not use the id but i added it as a feature in case someone want to extend it or use a specific reward. Correct me if i'm wrong but if rewards will stored in a regular arraylist will end up with error since it has to be synchronized...

 About the despawn i will update it for sure , i didnt know that. Thank you!

4 hours ago, Designatix said:

God damn you mate ;p One more awesome idea, thanks for sharing +1.

Thank you :)


21 minutes ago, Celestine said:

perfect event for a perfect x mass :)

keep it up!

Thank you!

Edited by melron
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It doesn't need to be synchronized, since you don't remove/add. You only add, and it goes one by one, following the XML loading. Check any XML loading on aCis, there is never ConcurrentHashMap.


Synchronized collections are useful when you add/remove concurrently, aka if multiple accesses to read/write are needed. Getting isn't problem and don't need synchronization.


On static data (aka data you feed once and only read after), you never need synchronization.

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1 hour ago, Tryskell said:

It doesn't need to be synchronized, since you don't remove/add. You only add, and it goes one by one, following the XML loading. Check any XML loading on aCis, there is never ConcurrentHashMap.


Synchronized collections are useful when you add/remove concurrently, aka if multiple accesses to read/write are needed. Getting isn't problem and don't need synchronization.


On static data (aka data you feed once and only read after), you never need synchronization.

I thought the 'getting' thing was like add/remove... my bad . Thank you

Edited by melron
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Awesome job as always. 


In terms of code review and improvements here are my comments.


Line : Comment


51: ChristmasEvent should be extending an abstract class called event and shouldn't be a singleton. The XML Document should be on it's own EventConfigLoader. Remember that classes should be doing one job only.

53: Rewards shouldn't be static.

156-157: Should be extracted to their own method called something like determineSpawnProbability()

160-167: Should be extracted to spawnRandomNpc

169-171: Should be extracted to handleNpcDespawn

205-252: This is bad class design because it limits you to a very specific type of a set. Something like this should be generic, so i would suggest you check the Pair class.

271: Loading singletons like this is deceiving to the reader because what you express via your code is that the only reason this line is there is to print the reward size while in reality you are initialising the singleton. Just a .getInstance() should be enough.

332: applyTo is a bad method name not indicating the actions. A reward is not applied. It's given/rewarded. Should be rewardPlayer

337-341: Should be extracted to a method called handleXpReward()

343-347: Should be extracted to a method called handleSpReward()

349-353: Should be extracted to a method called handleRecReward()

355-356: Should be extracted to a method called handleRewardItems()


I won't comment on the onBypassFeedback method because the whole thing is poorly designed to begin with anyway.



Here are some guides that you should keep on your mind when you are coding any type of system. Those are not the only ones, but they apply on what i saw.

  • Classes should only have one responsibility.
  • You should always use long self descriptive names for methods, classes, etc. Your code is your documentation.

I am only giving you really constructive feedback because i know you are keen to learn. Don't take it the wrong way. It is amazing effort.

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33 minutes ago, .Elfocrash said:



Your post was incredibly analytical. Thank you for your time, I will update it for sure :)

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