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He tried hack FBI's database, once he stole all data from their server he let them a message in the end saying "You got hacked fuckers :) " 

and in the end he wrote 

"-Sincerely.. " and his full name. 


FBI found him 1 hour later and once maxtor learned about this he banned him. Couldnt handle that stupidy in his forum.

That was me LUL


I just typed a random name and it turned out to be him.



pls no report amigo


Btw maxtor just askin...you sent me this pm


Looking for Moderators in any position. Must be active.

If you want to apply please reply this message.


You havent really thought this through right?(Yes i know its a mass sent pm but still) :D


Btw maxtor just askin...you sent me this pm


Looking for Moderators in any position. Must be active.

If you want to apply please reply this message.


You havent really thought this through right?(Yes i know its a mass sent pm but still) :D

It was a mass pm to specific members :)
Posted (edited)

It was a mass pm to specific members :)


I know, but i still find it funny that i got it out of all people  :D

Edited by Intrepid

If this forum is wiped or re-made from scratch it will die completely, 90% of the members won't even bother making new acc again lol.

Not to mention most people are here to find shares to open supreme serbidor.

Posted (edited)

If this forum is wiped or re-made from scratch it will die completely, 90% of the members won't even bother making new acc again lol.

Not to mention most people are here to find shares to open supreme serbidor.

I'm mad at maxtor... i want write 1000 line text and spam him until he give up as administrator and start playing l2mafia.

He is noob -.- he put others mods instead of me. I would ban the 95% forum except xdem and few others.,,


he is so terrible toward me pff..  :-

Edited by AccessDenied

akoma me ton maxtor asxoliste malakes

Γιατι μωρη βρωμιαρα.. αμα δεν ασχοληθεις με τον admin σε ενα φορουμ με ποιον θα ασχοληθεις με τον Justice? 

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