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classic [L2Net] L2 Warpgate


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You can't simply rename a project and make it look like it's an new platform. You obviously have to give more info on that.

It is based on a java project? Is it based on an L2OFF extender? Is it re written from scratch in another language (which is not btw).


If what you did was the case then anyone could do some changes and rename the project he is working on, but in it's core it is still the same platform.


The only other explanation is that you are using Jenose's L2NET project which has been around since 2014 https://github.com/Jenose/L2.Net

Edited by .Elfocrash
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Hey Elfocrash, how's it going!


Altought we have started the project from an L2J Source, an innovated change was required from the direction we took into a more appropriate Microsoft's based and not Android'ed'.


Since we will make use of the newest Microsoft's development tools for Windows 10 and for their Phone's / Tablets OS Systems it made more sense in using L2OFF Source and mixing it with our up to that date developed L2J Source code.


Altough we always check the main code we want to convert from L2J Source and L2OFF Source, in the end it will be transformed into an L2Net assembly mainly. Tiny pieces of source code will be converted, adapted, improved into L2Net assembling the main L2Net project.



Edit: Saw your edit now:

  • About Jenose's Project, yes i have heard of it but we are entirely making it from scratch.
  • Our inspiration was from a Brazilian friend which helped me in several occasions and always talked with me about his first L2Net implementation and how his project was coming along. Later on he quit due to lack of time unfortunately.
Edited by DEV|Supreme
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Oi Authority, podemos dizer que sim pois também inclui versão Portuguesa em certos aspectos tais como:

  • O site (traduzido em certa parte futuramente)
  • O forum tem sempre as notícias mais importantes traduzidas para Português e podem postar em Brasileiro / Português que nós traduzimos inclusive existe um moderator brasileiro: Sheen


Essencialmente presenciamos uma comunidade mista entre Brasileiros, alguns Argentinos, Latinos, vários Europeus e alguns Gregos. Russos temos poucos, mas podemo-nos expandir brevemente visto abrir-mos um Classic.


Sobre clans Brasileiros podemos contar sempre com 2: os Mercenários e os Revoltados.


Publicidade será feita também em vários grupos Portugueses (Brasileiros), tal como nós sabemos a comunidade que mais gosta de low rate e retail clássico de antigamente como C1 a C3 a C6 são eles mesmos, o que nos deixa ainda mais entusiasmados de os poder servir um servidor clássico com qualidade.



Agradeço pela atenção, espero ter esclarecido a sua dúvida, qualquer coisa estarei aqui, forum ou facebook para responder


Ou se preferir, pode entrar no nosso canal do Discord através do link: https://discordapp.com/invite/0qnUYuXY39Ics9tf

Edited by DEV|Supreme
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Oi Authority, podemos dizer que sim pois também inclui versão Portuguesa em certos aspectos tais como:

  • O site (traduzido em certa parte futuramente)
  • O forum tem sempre as notícias mais importantes traduzidas para Português e podem postar em Brasileiro / Português que nós traduzimos inclusive existe um moderator brasileiro: Sheen


Essencialmente presenciamos uma comunidade mista entre Brasileiros, alguns Argentinos, Latinos, vários Europeus e alguns Gregos. Russos temos poucos, mas podemo-nos expandir brevemente visto abrir-mos um Classic.


Sobre clans Brasileiros podemos contar sempre com 2: os Mercenários e os Revoltados.


Publicidade será feita também em vários grupos Portugueses (Brasileiros), tal como nós sabemos a comunidade que mais gosta de low rate e retail clássico de antigamente como C1 a C3 a C6 são eles mesmos, o que nos deixa ainda mais entusiasmados de os poder servir um servidor clássico com qualidade.



Agradeço pela atenção, espero ter esclarecido a sua dúvida, qualquer coisa estarei aqui, forum ou facebook para responder


Ou se preferir, pode entrar no nosso canal do Discord através do link: https://discordapp.com/invite/0qnUYuXY39Ics9tf

voce tem skype per contactar con voce para falar do servidor..

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  • Verifique a sua caixa de mensagens do Maxcheaters, enviei-lhe o meu Skype.
perfeito eu estoy em trabalho em breve estaré online vía skype :)
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Hey iGroparu


We already have Pre-Alpha online for everyone who wants help testing our developments and check them out. You just need to join us at our Discord app: https://discordapp.com/invite/0qnUYuXY39Ics9tf


About Official Beta, this month's end will probabily be announced


Finally Official Opening will be much forward then we expected but still inside Spring 2016 (May or June)


My university currently has priority for a small period of time after that I am back to L2W full time again.


Several projects im working on together with my university will be used in L2 Warpgate aswell.


I'll be releasing a Newsletter for every forum member and a News Post here about our latest developments by tomorrow or Sunday

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Apologies for the late development update post, my university currently has priority for a small period of time after that I am back to L2W full time again.

This week's development involves our Pre-Alpha, Quests developments and an highlight about L2 Warpgate.

As promised we have setup a private Classic Erica Pre-Alpha x50 Server for the development's Task List testing purposes.


To gain access you need to join our Discord and request Supreme both Client and Patch files. Stay online as long as you can during your testings so you can report all the problems to us.

Not only that but you will be able to be the first to stay up to date to everything we discuss off public scene.

During the past weeks 84% Classic Quests (99 / 117) were developed from scratch, while other 16% will be developed after my university priorities.

Keep track of them at our Development's Task list as always.

I am still working towards BETA. Next development update I hope to get back working on the game server, when I do I'll be sure to make the update more content-rich for you guys containing some in-game screenshots at least. But thats -if- I get to work on it.

Regarding other classic private servers. We disallow people to post our Server on other forums. It brings a bad reputation and we have always disallowed it plus we dont see others as competition, simply because we need more quality in the private server scene. Our entire community is important to us and I will do anything in my power to provide you guys the best quality possible.

It's time for us to start expanding. Spread the word about L2 Warpgate.

Thank you and take care guys.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Brevemente antes de Julho como anunciado anteriormente (Primavera 2016)

Vai ter reward para video de divulgação? donate ou algo do tipo?


open beta sai quando? querendo testa pelo menos os basicos (já fixados) antes de abrir...

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